
android_app compiles sources and Android resources into an Android application package `.apk` file.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aapt_include_all_resources bool, include all resource configurations, not just the product-configured ones.
 aaptflags list of string, flags passed to aapt when creating the apk
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 additional_certificates list of string, Names of extra android_app_certificate modules to sign the apk with in the form ":module".
 additional_manifests list of string, paths to additional manifest files to merge with main manifest.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 asset_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing assets. Defaults to ["assets"] if a directory called assets exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 assets list of string, list of files to use as assets.
 certificate string, The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory, blank to use the default product certificate, or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module".
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dont_merge_manifests bool, do not include AndroidManifest from dependent libraries
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 embed_notices bool, If set, find and merge all NOTICE files that this module and its dependencies have and store it in the APK as an asset.
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_default_target_sdk_version bool, It can be set to test the behaviour of default target sdk version. Only required when updatable: false. It is an error if updatable: true and this is false.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 export_package_resources bool, If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 flags_packages list of string, Names of aconfig_declarations modules that specify aconfig flags that the module depends on.
 generate_product_characteristics_rro bool, If set, create an RRO package which contains only resources having PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS and install the RRO package to /product partition, instead of passing --product argument to aapt2. Default is false. Setting this will make this APK identical to all targets, regardless of PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string, list of native libraries that will be provided in or alongside the resulting jar
 jni_uses_platform_apis bool, if true, use JNI libraries that link against platform APIs even if this module sets sdk_version.
 jni_uses_sdk_apis bool, if true, use JNI libraries that link against SDK APIs even if this module does not set sdk_version.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lineage string, Name of the signing certificate lineage file or filegroup module.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that.
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 logging_parent string, the logging parent of this app.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, path to AndroidManifest.xml. If unset, defaults to "AndroidManifest.xml".
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests. Default: false
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests. Default: true
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries (in Make or Soong). This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 package_name string, the package name of this app. The package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 package_splits list of string, list of resource labels to generate individual resource packages
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 privapp_allowlist string, Specifies the file that contains the allowlist for this app.
 privileged bool, Specifies that this app should be installed to the priv-app directory, where the system will grant it additional privileges not available to normal apps.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 rename_resources_package bool, Whether to rename the package in resources to the override name rather than the base name. Defaults to true.
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 resource_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing Android resources. Defaults to ["res"] if a directory called res exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 resource_zips list of string, list of zip files containing Android resources.
 rotationMinSdkVersion string, For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 stl string, STL library to use for JNI libraries.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_only bool, Indicates that the module and its source code are only used in tests, not production code. Used by coverage reports and potentially other tools.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 updatable bool, Whether this app is considered mainline updatable or not. When set to true, this will enforce additional rules to make sure an app can safely be updated. Default is false. Prefer using other specific properties if build behaviour must be changed; avoid using this flag for anything but neverallow rules (unless the behaviour change is invisible to owners).
 use_embedded_dex bool, Store dex files uncompressed in the APK and set the android:useEmbeddedDex="true" manifest attribute so that they are used from inside the APK at runtime.
 use_embedded_native_libs bool, Store native libraries uncompressed in the APK and set the android:extractNativeLibs="false" manifest flag so that they are used from inside the APK at runtime. Defaults to true for android_test modules unless sdk_version or min_sdk_version is set to a version that doesn't support it (<23), defaults to true for android_app modules that are embedded to APEXes, defaults to false for other module types where the native libraries are generally preinstalled outside the APK.
 use_resource_processor bool, If use_resource_processor is set, use Bazel's resource processor instead of aapt2 to generate R.class files. The resource processor produces more optimal R.class files that only list resources in the package of the library that provided them, as opposed to aapt2 which produces files for every package containing every resource. Using the resource processor can provide significant build time speedups, but requires fixing the module to use the correct package to reference each resource, and to avoid having any other libraries in the tree that use the same package name. Defaults to false, but will default to true in the future.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


android_app_certificate modules can be referenced by the certificates property of android_app modules to select the signing key.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 certificate string, Name of the certificate files. Extensions .x509.pem and .pk8 will be added to the name.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


android_app_import imports a prebuilt apk with additional processing specified in the module. DPI-specific apk source files can be specified using dpi_variants. Example:

	android_app_import {
	    name: "example_import",
	    apk: "prebuilts/example.apk",
	    dpi_variants: {
	        mdpi: {
	            apk: "prebuilts/example_mdpi.apk",
	        xhdpi: {
	            apk: "prebuilts/example_xhdpi.apk",
	    presigned: true,

 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 additional_certificates list of string, Names of extra android_app_certificate modules to sign the apk with in the form ":module".
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 apk string, A prebuilt apk to import
  *struct { Arm *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } }; Arm64 *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } }; Riscv64 *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } }; X86 *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } }; X86_64 *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } } }
 certificate string, The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module". Should be empty if presigned or default_dev_cert is set.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 default_dev_cert bool, Sign with the default system dev certificate. Must be used judiciously. Most imported apps need to either specify a specific certificate or be presigned.
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 export_package_resources bool, If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions.
 filename string, Optional name for the installed app. If unspecified, it is derived from the module name.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lineage string, Name of the signing certificate lineage file or filegroup module.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries (in Make or Soong). This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prebuilt_info string, Path to the .prebuilt_info file of the prebuilt app. In case of mainline modules, the .prebuilt_info file contains the build_id that was used to generate the prebuilt.
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 preprocessed bool, Whether the prebuilt apk can be installed without additional processing. Default is false.
 presigned bool, Set this flag to true if the prebuilt apk is already signed. The certificate property must not be set for presigned modules.
 privileged bool, Specifies that this app should be installed to the priv-app directory, where the system will grant it additional privileges not available to normal apps.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 relative_install_path string, Optional. Install to a subdirectory of the default install path for the module
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 rotationMinSdkVersion string, For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
 skip_preprocessed_apk_checks bool, Whether or not to skip checking the preprocessed apk for proper alignment and uncompressed JNI libs and dex files. Default is false
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


android_app_set extracts a set of APKs based on the target device configuration and installs this set as "split APKs". The extracted set always contains an APK whose name is _module_name_.apk and every split APK matching target device. The extraction of the density-specific splits depends on PRODUCT_AAPT_PREBUILT_DPI variable. If present (its value should be a list density names: LDPI, MDPI, HDPI, etc.), only listed splits will be extracted. Otherwise all density-specific splits will be extracted.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other apps

	(in Make or Soong).

 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prebuilt_info string, Path to the .prebuilt_info file of the prebuilt app. In case of mainline modules, the .prebuilt_info file contains the build_id that was used to generate the prebuilt.
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 prerelease bool, APKs in this set use prerelease SDK version
 privileged bool, Specifies that this app should be installed to the priv-app directory, where the system will grant it additional privileges not available to normal apps.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 set string, APK Set path
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


android_library builds and links sources into a `.jar` file for the device along with Android resources. An android_library has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were compiled against the device bootclasspath, along with a `package-res.apk` file containing Android resources compiled with aapt2. This module is not suitable for installing on a device, but can be used as a `static_libs` dependency of an android_app module.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aapt_include_all_resources bool, include all resource configurations, not just the product-configured ones.
 aaptflags list of string, flags passed to aapt when creating the apk
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 additional_manifests list of string, paths to additional manifest files to merge with main manifest.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 asset_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing assets. Defaults to ["assets"] if a directory called assets exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 assets list of string, list of files to use as assets.
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dont_merge_manifests bool, do not include AndroidManifest from dependent libraries
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 flags_packages list of string, Names of aconfig_declarations modules that specify aconfig flags that the module depends on.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable.
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that.
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 resource_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing Android resources. Defaults to ["res"] if a directory called res exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 resource_zips list of string, list of zip files containing Android resources.
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_only bool, Indicates that the module and its source code are only used in tests, not production code. Used by coverage reports and potentially other tools.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 use_resource_processor bool, If use_resource_processor is set, use Bazel's resource processor instead of aapt2 to generate R.class files. The resource processor produces more optimal R.class files that only list resources in the package of the library that provided them, as opposed to aapt2 which produces files for every package containing every resource. Using the resource processor can provide significant build time speedups, but requires fixing the module to use the correct package to reference each resource, and to avoid having any other libraries in the tree that use the same package name. Defaults to false, but will default to true in the future.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


android_library_import imports an `.aar` file into the build graph as if it was built with android_library. This module is not suitable for installing on a device, but can be used as a `static_libs` dependency of an android_app module.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 aars list of string, ARR (android library prebuilt) filepath. Exactly one ARR is required.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 extract_jni bool, If true, extract JNI libs from AAR archive. These libs will be accessible to android_app modules and will be passed transitively through android_libraries to an android_app. TODO(b/241138093) evaluate whether we can have this flag default to true for Bazel conversion
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 jetifier bool, If set to true, run Jetifier against .aar file. Defaults to false.
 libs list of string, List of java libraries that the included ARR (android library prebuilts) has dependencies to.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 min_sdk_version string, If not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to private. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_libs list of string, List of java static libraries that the included ARR (android library prebuilts) has dependencies to.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 jni_libs list of string
 libs list of string
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 arch interface
 auto_gen_config bool, Flag to indicate whether or not to create test config automatically. If AndroidTest.xml doesn't exist next to the Android.bp, this attribute doesn't need to be set to true explicitly.
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 data list of string, list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside the test
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable.
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that. Default: true
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 per_testcase_directory bool, Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_config string, the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_config_template string, the name of the test configuration template (for example "AndroidTestTemplate.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_mainline_modules list of string, Add parameterized mainline modules to auto generated test config. The options will be handled by TradeFed to do downloading and installing the specified modules on the device.
test_options TestOptions
Test options.
 extra_test_configs list of string, a list of extra test configuration files that should be installed with the module.
 tradefed_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 test_runner_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file under the test runner, e.g., AndroidJunitTest. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 unit_test bool, If the test is a hostside (no device required) unittest that shall be run during presubmit check. Default: false
 tags list of string, Tags provide additional metadata to customize test execution by downstream test runners. The tags have no special meaning to Soong.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into. Default: [general-tests ravenwood-tests]
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 jars list of string
 lib string
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


An android_robolectric_test module compiles tests against the Robolectric framework that can run on the local host instead of on a device. It also generates a rule with the name of the module prefixed with "Run" that can be used to run the tests. Running the tests with build rule will eventually be deprecated and replaced with atest. The test runner considers any file listed in srcs whose name ends with to be a test class, unless it is named The path to the each source file must exactly match the package name, or match the package name when the prefix "src/" is removed.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 arch interface
 auto_gen_config bool, Flag to indicate whether or not to create test config automatically. If AndroidTest.xml doesn't exist next to the Android.bp, this attribute doesn't need to be set to true explicitly.
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 coverage_libs list of string, Additional libraries for which coverage data should be generated
 data list of string, list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside the test
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable.
 instrumentation_for string, The name of the android_app module that the tests will run against.
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string, Names of modules containing JNI libraries that should be installed alongside the test.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 per_testcase_directory bool, Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 robolectric_prebuilt_version string, The version number of a robolectric prebuilt to use from prebuilts/misc/common/robolectric instead of the one built from source in external/robolectric-shadows.
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_config string, the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_config_template string, the name of the test configuration template (for example "AndroidTestTemplate.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_mainline_modules list of string, Add parameterized mainline modules to auto generated test config. The options will be handled by TradeFed to do downloading and installing the specified modules on the device.
 timeout int64, Timeout in seconds when running the tests.
 shards int64, Number of shards to use when running the tests.
 extra_test_configs list of string, a list of extra test configuration files that should be installed with the module.
 tradefed_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 test_runner_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file under the test runner, e.g., AndroidJunitTest. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 unit_test bool, If the test is a hostside (no device required) unittest that shall be run during presubmit check.
 tags list of string, Tags provide additional metadata to customize test execution by downstream test runners. The tags have no special meaning to Soong.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into. Default: [robolectric-tests]
 upstream bool, Use /external/robolectric rather than /external/robolectric-shadows as the version of robolectric to use. /external/robolectric closely tracks github's master, and will fully replace /external/robolectric-shadows
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


android_test compiles test sources and Android resources into an Android application package `.apk` file and creates an `AndroidTest.xml` file to allow running the test with `atest` or a `TEST_MAPPING` file.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aapt_include_all_resources bool, include all resource configurations, not just the product-configured ones.
 aaptflags list of string, flags passed to aapt when creating the apk
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 additional_certificates list of string, Names of extra android_app_certificate modules to sign the apk with in the form ":module".
 additional_manifests list of string, paths to additional manifest files to merge with main manifest.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 arch interface
 asset_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing assets. Defaults to ["assets"] if a directory called assets exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 assets list of string, list of files to use as assets.
 auto_gen_config bool, Flag to indicate whether or not to create test config automatically. If AndroidTest.xml doesn't exist next to the Android.bp, this attribute doesn't need to be set to true explicitly.
 certificate string, The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory, blank to use the default product certificate, or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module".
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 data list of string, list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside the test
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dont_merge_manifests bool, do not include AndroidManifest from dependent libraries
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 embed_notices bool, If set, find and merge all NOTICE files that this module and its dependencies have and store it in the APK as an asset.
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_default_target_sdk_version bool, It can be set to test the behaviour of default target sdk version. Only required when updatable: false. It is an error if updatable: true and this is false.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 export_package_resources bool, If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 flags_packages list of string, Names of aconfig_declarations modules that specify aconfig flags that the module depends on.
 generate_product_characteristics_rro bool, If set, create an RRO package which contains only resources having PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS and install the RRO package to /product partition, instead of passing --product argument to aapt2. Default is false. Setting this will make this APK identical to all targets, regardless of PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 instrumentation_for string, The name of the android_app module that the tests will run against.
 instrumentation_target_package string, If specified, the instrumentation target package name in the manifest is overwritten by it.
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string, Names of modules containing JNI libraries that should be installed alongside the test.
 jni_uses_platform_apis bool, if true, use JNI libraries that link against platform APIs even if this module sets sdk_version.
 jni_uses_sdk_apis bool, if true, use JNI libraries that link against SDK APIs even if this module does not set sdk_version.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lineage string, Name of the signing certificate lineage file or filegroup module.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that. Default: true
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 logging_parent string, the logging parent of this app.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 mainline_package_name string, If specified, the mainline module package name in the test config is overwritten by it.
 manifest string, path to AndroidManifest.xml. If unset, defaults to "AndroidManifest.xml".
manifest_values Manifest_values
 applicationId string, Overrides the value of package_name in the manifest
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries (in Make or Soong). This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 package_name string, the package name of this app. The package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 package_splits list of string, list of resource labels to generate individual resource packages
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 per_testcase_directory bool, Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 privapp_allowlist string, Specifies the file that contains the allowlist for this app.
 privileged bool, Specifies that this app should be installed to the priv-app directory, where the system will grant it additional privileges not available to normal apps.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 rename_resources_package bool, Whether to rename the package in resources to the override name rather than the base name. Defaults to true.
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 resource_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing Android resources. Defaults to ["res"] if a directory called res exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 resource_zips list of string, list of zip files containing Android resources.
 rotationMinSdkVersion string, For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 stl string, STL library to use for JNI libraries.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_config string, the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_config_template string, the name of the test configuration template (for example "AndroidTestTemplate.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_mainline_modules list of string, Add parameterized mainline modules to auto generated test config. The options will be handled by TradeFed to do downloading and installing the specified modules on the device.
test_options TestOptions
Test options.
 extra_test_configs list of string, a list of extra test configuration files that should be installed with the module.
 tradefed_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 test_runner_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file under the test runner, e.g., AndroidJunitTest. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 unit_test bool, If the test is a hostside (no device required) unittest that shall be run during presubmit check.
 tags list of string, Tags provide additional metadata to customize test execution by downstream test runners. The tags have no special meaning to Soong.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 updatable bool, Whether this app is considered mainline updatable or not. When set to true, this will enforce additional rules to make sure an app can safely be updated. Default is false. Prefer using other specific properties if build behaviour must be changed; avoid using this flag for anything but neverallow rules (unless the behaviour change is invisible to owners).
 use_embedded_dex bool, Store dex files uncompressed in the APK and set the android:useEmbeddedDex="true" manifest attribute so that they are used from inside the APK at runtime.
 use_embedded_native_libs bool, Store native libraries uncompressed in the APK and set the android:extractNativeLibs="false" manifest flag so that they are used from inside the APK at runtime. Defaults to true for android_test modules unless sdk_version or min_sdk_version is set to a version that doesn't support it (<23), defaults to true for android_app modules that are embedded to APEXes, defaults to false for other module types where the native libraries are generally preinstalled outside the APK. Default: true
 use_resource_processor bool, If use_resource_processor is set, use Bazel's resource processor instead of aapt2 to generate R.class files. The resource processor produces more optimal R.class files that only list resources in the package of the library that provided them, as opposed to aapt2 which produces files for every package containing every resource. Using the resource processor can provide significant build time speedups, but requires fixing the module to use the correct package to reference each resource, and to avoid having any other libraries in the tree that use the same package name. Defaults to false, but will default to true in the future.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


android_test_helper_app compiles sources and Android resources into an Android application package `.apk` file that will be used by tests, but does not produce an `AndroidTest.xml` file so the module will not be run directly as a test.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aapt_include_all_resources bool, include all resource configurations, not just the product-configured ones.
 aaptflags list of string, flags passed to aapt when creating the apk
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 additional_certificates list of string, Names of extra android_app_certificate modules to sign the apk with in the form ":module".
 additional_manifests list of string, paths to additional manifest files to merge with main manifest.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 asset_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing assets. Defaults to ["assets"] if a directory called assets exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 assets list of string, list of files to use as assets.
 auto_gen_config bool, Flag to indicate whether or not to create test config automatically. If AndroidTest.xml doesn't exist next to the Android.bp, this attribute doesn't need to be set to true explicitly.
 certificate string, The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory, blank to use the default product certificate, or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module".
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dont_merge_manifests bool, do not include AndroidManifest from dependent libraries
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 embed_notices bool, If set, find and merge all NOTICE files that this module and its dependencies have and store it in the APK as an asset.
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_default_target_sdk_version bool, It can be set to test the behaviour of default target sdk version. Only required when updatable: false. It is an error if updatable: true and this is false.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 export_package_resources bool, If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 flags_packages list of string, Names of aconfig_declarations modules that specify aconfig flags that the module depends on.
 generate_product_characteristics_rro bool, If set, create an RRO package which contains only resources having PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS and install the RRO package to /product partition, instead of passing --product argument to aapt2. Default is false. Setting this will make this APK identical to all targets, regardless of PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string, list of native libraries that will be provided in or alongside the resulting jar
 jni_uses_platform_apis bool, if true, use JNI libraries that link against platform APIs even if this module sets sdk_version.
 jni_uses_sdk_apis bool, if true, use JNI libraries that link against SDK APIs even if this module does not set sdk_version.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lineage string, Name of the signing certificate lineage file or filegroup module.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that. Default: true
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 logging_parent string, the logging parent of this app.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
manifest_values Manifest_values
 applicationId string, Overrides the value of package_name in the manifest
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries (in Make or Soong). This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 package_name string, the package name of this app. The package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 package_splits list of string, list of resource labels to generate individual resource packages
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 per_testcase_directory bool, Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 privapp_allowlist string, Specifies the file that contains the allowlist for this app.
 privileged bool, Specifies that this app should be installed to the priv-app directory, where the system will grant it additional privileges not available to normal apps.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 rename_resources_package bool, Whether to rename the package in resources to the override name rather than the base name. Defaults to true.
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 resource_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing Android resources. Defaults to ["res"] if a directory called res exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 resource_zips list of string, list of zip files containing Android resources.
 rotationMinSdkVersion string, For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 stl string, STL library to use for JNI libraries.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 updatable bool, Whether this app is considered mainline updatable or not. When set to true, this will enforce additional rules to make sure an app can safely be updated. Default is false. Prefer using other specific properties if build behaviour must be changed; avoid using this flag for anything but neverallow rules (unless the behaviour change is invisible to owners).
 use_embedded_dex bool, Store dex files uncompressed in the APK and set the android:useEmbeddedDex="true" manifest attribute so that they are used from inside the APK at runtime.
 use_embedded_native_libs bool, Store native libraries uncompressed in the APK and set the android:extractNativeLibs="false" manifest flag so that they are used from inside the APK at runtime. Defaults to true for android_test modules unless sdk_version or min_sdk_version is set to a version that doesn't support it (<23), defaults to true for android_app modules that are embedded to APEXes, defaults to false for other module types where the native libraries are generally preinstalled outside the APK. Default: true
 use_resource_processor bool, If use_resource_processor is set, use Bazel's resource processor instead of aapt2 to generate R.class files. The resource processor produces more optimal R.class files that only list resources in the package of the library that provided them, as opposed to aapt2 which produces files for every package containing every resource. Using the resource processor can provide significant build time speedups, but requires fixing the module to use the correct package to reference each resource, and to avoid having any other libraries in the tree that use the same package name. Defaults to false, but will default to true in the future.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


android_test_import imports a prebuilt test apk with additional processing specified in the module. DPI or arch variant configurations can be made as with android_app_import.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 additional_certificates list of string, Names of extra android_app_certificate modules to sign the apk with in the form ":module".
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 apk string, A prebuilt apk to import
arch interface
  *struct { Arm *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } }; Arm64 *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } }; Riscv64 *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } }; X86 *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } }; X86_64 *struct { Dpi_variants *struct { Ldpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Mdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Hdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties; Xxxhdpi *java.AndroidAppImportProperties } } }
 certificate string, The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module". Should be empty if presigned or default_dev_cert is set.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 default_dev_cert bool, Sign with the default system dev certificate. Must be used judiciously. Most imported apps need to either specify a specific certificate or be presigned.
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 export_package_resources bool, If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions.
 filename string, Optional name for the installed app. If unspecified, it is derived from the module name.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lineage string, Name of the signing certificate lineage file or filegroup module.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries (in Make or Soong). This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prebuilt_info string, Path to the .prebuilt_info file of the prebuilt app. In case of mainline modules, the .prebuilt_info file contains the build_id that was used to generate the prebuilt.
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 preprocessed bool, Whether the prebuilt apk can be installed without additional processing. Default is false.
 presigned bool, Set this flag to true if the prebuilt apk is already signed. The certificate property must not be set for presigned modules.
 privileged bool, Specifies that this app should be installed to the priv-app directory, where the system will grant it additional privileges not available to normal apps.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 relative_install_path string, Optional. Install to a subdirectory of the default install path for the module
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 rotationMinSdkVersion string, For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
 skip_preprocessed_apk_checks bool, Whether or not to skip checking the preprocessed apk for proper alignment and uncompressed JNI libs and dex files. Default is false
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 additional_stubs list of string, The list of additional stub libraries which this fragment's contents use but which are not provided by another bootclasspath_fragment. Note, "android-non-updatable" is treated specially. While no such module exists it is treated as if it was a java_sdk_library. So, when public API stubs are needed then it will be replaced with "android-non-updatable.stubs", with "androidn-non-updatable.system.stubs" when the system stubs are needed and so on.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Api properties provide information about the APIs provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. Properties in this section apply to public, system and test api scopes. They DO NOT apply to core_platform as that is a special, ART specific scope, that does not follow the pattern and so has its own section. It is in the process of being deprecated and replaced by the system scope but this will remain for the foreseeable future to maintain backwards compatibility. Every bootclasspath_fragment must specify at least one stubs_lib in this section and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to other parts of Android, including but not limited to applications.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 contents list of string, The contents of this bootclasspath_fragment, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. A java_sdk_library specified here will also be treated as if it was specified on the stub_libs property. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the bootclasspath.
core_platform_api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Properties related to the core platform API surface. This must only be used by the following modules: * ART * Conscrypt * I18N The bootclasspath_fragments for each of the above modules must specify at least one stubs_lib and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to the other modules in the list.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
coverage BootclasspathFragmentCoverageAffectedProperties
 contents list of string, The contents of this bootclasspath_fragment, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. A java_sdk_library specified here will also be treated as if it was specified on the stub_libs property. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the bootclasspath.
api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Api properties provide information about the APIs provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. Properties in this section apply to public, system and test api scopes. They DO NOT apply to core_platform as that is a special, ART specific scope, that does not follow the pattern and so has its own section. It is in the process of being deprecated and replaced by the system scope but this will remain for the foreseeable future to maintain backwards compatibility. Every bootclasspath_fragment must specify at least one stubs_lib in this section and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to other parts of Android, including but not limited to applications.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
core_platform_api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Properties related to the core platform API surface. This must only be used by the following modules: * ART * Conscrypt * I18N The bootclasspath_fragments for each of the above modules must specify at least one stubs_lib and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to the other modules in the list.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 fragments list of ApexVariantReference, The names of the bootclasspath_fragment modules that form part of this module.
 generate_classpaths_proto bool, Whether to generated classpaths.proto config instance for the fragment. If the config is not generated, then relevant boot jars are added to platform classpath, i.e. platform_bootclasspath or platform_systemserverclasspath. This is useful for non-updatable APEX boot jars, to keep them as part of dexopt on device. Defaults to true.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 image_name string, The name of the image this represents. If specified then it must be one of "art" or "boot".
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 additional_stubs list of string, The list of additional stub libraries which this fragment's contents use but which are not provided by another bootclasspath_fragment. Note, "android-non-updatable" is treated specially. While no such module exists it is treated as if it was a java_sdk_library. So, when public API stubs are needed then it will be replaced with "android-non-updatable.stubs", with "androidn-non-updatable.system.stubs" when the system stubs are needed and so on.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Api properties provide information about the APIs provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. Properties in this section apply to public, system and test api scopes. They DO NOT apply to core_platform as that is a special, ART specific scope, that does not follow the pattern and so has its own section. It is in the process of being deprecated and replaced by the system scope but this will remain for the foreseeable future to maintain backwards compatibility. Every bootclasspath_fragment must specify at least one stubs_lib in this section and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to other parts of Android, including but not limited to applications.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 contents list of string, The contents of this bootclasspath_fragment, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. A java_sdk_library specified here will also be treated as if it was specified on the stub_libs property. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the bootclasspath.
core_platform_api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Properties related to the core platform API surface. This must only be used by the following modules: * ART * Conscrypt * I18N The bootclasspath_fragments for each of the above modules must specify at least one stubs_lib and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to the other modules in the list.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
coverage BootclasspathFragmentCoverageAffectedProperties
 contents list of string, The contents of this bootclasspath_fragment, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. A java_sdk_library specified here will also be treated as if it was specified on the stub_libs property. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the bootclasspath.
api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Api properties provide information about the APIs provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. Properties in this section apply to public, system and test api scopes. They DO NOT apply to core_platform as that is a special, ART specific scope, that does not follow the pattern and so has its own section. It is in the process of being deprecated and replaced by the system scope but this will remain for the foreseeable future to maintain backwards compatibility. Every bootclasspath_fragment must specify at least one stubs_lib in this section and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to other parts of Android, including but not limited to applications.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
core_platform_api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Properties related to the core platform API surface. This must only be used by the following modules: * ART * Conscrypt * I18N The bootclasspath_fragments for each of the above modules must specify at least one stubs_lib and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to the other modules in the list.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 fragments list of ApexVariantReference, The names of the bootclasspath_fragment modules that form part of this module.
 generate_classpaths_proto bool, Whether to generated classpaths.proto config instance for the fragment. If the config is not generated, then relevant boot jars are added to platform classpath, i.e. platform_bootclasspath or platform_systemserverclasspath. This is useful for non-updatable APEX boot jars, to keep them as part of dexopt on device. Defaults to true.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 image_name string, The name of the image this represents. If specified then it must be one of "art" or "boot".
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules. Default: dex_bootjars
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


dex_import imports a `.jar` file containing classes.dex files. A dex_import module cannot be used as a dependency of a java_* or android_* module, it can only be installed to the device.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 jars list of string
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 stem string, set the name of the output
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules. Default: dexpreopt_systemserver_check
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 arg_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 args string, user customized droiddoc args. Deprecated, use flags instead. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 compat_config string, Compat config XML. Generates compat change documentation if set.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 custom_template string, directory relative to top of the source tree that contains doc templates files.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 defaults_visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of the defaults module itself.
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dokka_enabled bool, if set to true, generate docs through Dokka instead of Doclava.
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 filter_packages list of string, list of package names that should actually be used. If this property is left unspecified, all the sources from the srcs property is used.
 flags list of string, user customized droiddoc args. Not compatible with property args. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 hdf list of string, set a value in the Clearsilver hdf namespace.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 html_dirs list of string, directories under current module source which contains html/jd files.
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to false, don't allow this module( to be exported. Defaults to true.
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javadoc as -source
 knowntags list of string, a list of files under current module source dir which contains known tags in Java sources. filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lint_baseline string, A file containing a baseline for allowed lint errors.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files used in args that will be generated
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proofread_file string, proofread file contains all of the text content of the javadocs concatenated into one file, suitable for spell-checking and other goodness.
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 resourcesdir string, directory under current module source that provide additional resources (images).
 resourcesoutdir string, resources output directory under out/soong/.intermediates.
 sdk_version string, if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_doc_index_redirect string, index.html under current module will be copied to docs out dir, if not null.
 static_doc_properties string, under current module will be copied to docs out dir, if not null.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath. Defaults to "none"
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 todo_file string, a todo file lists the program elements that are missing documentation. At some point, this might be improved to show more warnings.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


droiddoc converts .java source files to documentation using doclava or dokka.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 arch interface
 arg_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 args string, user customized droiddoc args. Deprecated, use flags instead. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 compat_config string, Compat config XML. Generates compat change documentation if set.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 custom_template string, directory relative to top of the source tree that contains doc templates files.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dokka_enabled bool, if set to true, generate docs through Dokka instead of Doclava.
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 filter_packages list of string, list of package names that should actually be used. If this property is left unspecified, all the sources from the srcs property is used.
 flags list of string, user customized droiddoc args. Not compatible with property args. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 hdf list of string, set a value in the Clearsilver hdf namespace.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 html_dirs list of string, directories under current module source which contains html/jd files.
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to false, don't allow this module( to be exported. Defaults to true.
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javadoc as -source
 knowntags list of string, a list of files under current module source dir which contains known tags in Java sources. filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lint_baseline string, A file containing a baseline for allowed lint errors.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files used in args that will be generated
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proofread_file string, proofread file contains all of the text content of the javadocs concatenated into one file, suitable for spell-checking and other goodness.
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 resourcesdir string, directory under current module source that provide additional resources (images).
 resourcesoutdir string, resources output directory under out/soong/.intermediates.
 sdk_version string, if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_doc_index_redirect string, index.html under current module will be copied to docs out dir, if not null.
 static_doc_properties string, under current module will be copied to docs out dir, if not null.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath. Defaults to "none"
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 todo_file string, a todo file lists the program elements that are missing documentation. At some point, this might be improved to show more warnings.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


droiddoc_exported_dir exports a directory of html templates or nullability annotations for use by doclava.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 path string, path to the directory containing Droiddoc related files.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


droiddoc_host converts .java source files to documentation using doclava or dokka.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 defaults list of string
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 arch interface
 arg_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 args string, user customized droiddoc args. Deprecated, use flags instead. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 compat_config string, Compat config XML. Generates compat change documentation if set.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 custom_template string, directory relative to top of the source tree that contains doc templates files.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dokka_enabled bool, if set to true, generate docs through Dokka instead of Doclava.
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 filter_packages list of string, list of package names that should actually be used. If this property is left unspecified, all the sources from the srcs property is used.
 flags list of string, user customized droiddoc args. Not compatible with property args. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 hdf list of string, set a value in the Clearsilver hdf namespace.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 html_dirs list of string, directories under current module source which contains html/jd files.
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to false, don't allow this module( to be exported. Defaults to true.
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javadoc as -source
 knowntags list of string, a list of files under current module source dir which contains known tags in Java sources. filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lint_baseline string, A file containing a baseline for allowed lint errors.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files used in args that will be generated
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proofread_file string, proofread file contains all of the text content of the javadocs concatenated into one file, suitable for spell-checking and other goodness.
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 resourcesdir string, directory under current module source that provide additional resources (images).
 resourcesoutdir string, resources output directory under out/soong/.intermediates.
 sdk_version string, if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_doc_index_redirect string, index.html under current module will be copied to docs out dir, if not null.
 static_doc_properties string, under current module will be copied to docs out dir, if not null.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath. Defaults to "none"
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 todo_file string, a todo file lists the program elements that are missing documentation. At some point, this might be improved to show more warnings.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


droidstubs passes sources files through Metalava to generate stub .java files that only contain the API to be documented, filtering out hidden classes and methods. The resulting .java files are intended to be passed to a droiddoc module to generate documentation.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aconfig_declarations list of string, a list of aconfig_declarations module names that the stubs generated in this module depend on.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 annotations_enabled bool, is set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain annotations.
 api_filename string, The generated public API filename by Metalava, defaults to <module>_api.txt
 api_levels_annotations_dirs list of string, the dirs which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from.
 api_levels_annotations_enabled bool, if set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain API levels annotations.
 api_levels_jar_filename string, the filename which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from. Defaults to android.jar.
 api_levels_module string, Apply the api levels database created by this module rather than generating one in this droidstubs.
 api_levels_sdk_type string, the sdk kind which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from. Supports 'public', 'system', 'module-lib' and 'system-server'; defaults to public.
 api_surface string, API surface of this module. If set, the module contributes to an API surface. For the full list of available API surfaces, refer to soong/android/sdk_version.go
 arch interface
 arg_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 args string, user customized droiddoc args. Deprecated, use flags instead. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 enabled bool
 new_since string, If set, performs api_lint on any new APIs not found in the given signature file
 baseline_file string, If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API lint violations.
check_api.current ApiToCheck
 api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new API extracted from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 removed_api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new @removed API extractd from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 baseline_file string, If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API check violations.
 args string, Arguments to the apicheck tool.
check_api.last_released ApiToCheck
 api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new API extracted from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 removed_api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new @removed API extractd from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 baseline_file string, If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API check violations.
 args string, Arguments to the apicheck tool.
 check_nullability_warnings string, a file containing expected warnings produced by validation of nullability annotations.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 create_doc_stubs bool, if set to true, allow Metalava to generate doc_stubs source files. Defaults to false.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 extensions_info_file string, path or filegroup to file defining extension an SDK name <-> numerical ID mapping and what APIs exist in which SDKs; passed to metalava via --sdk-extensions-info
 filter_packages list of string, list of package names that should actually be used. If this property is left unspecified, all the sources from the srcs property is used.
 flags list of string, user customized droiddoc args. Not compatible with property args. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 generate_stubs bool, if set to false then do not write out stubs. Defaults to true. TODO(b/146727827): Remove capability when we do not need to generate stubs and API separately.
 high_mem bool, if set to true, provides a hint to the build system that this rule uses a lot of memory, which can be used for scheduling purposes
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to false, don't allow this module( to be exported. Defaults to true.
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javadoc as -source
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 merge_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing files to merge qualifier annotations (i.e. those intended to be included in the stubs written) from.
 merge_inclusion_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing Java stub files to merge show/hide annotations from.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files used in args that will be generated
 output_javadoc_comments bool, if set to true, cause Metalava to output Javadoc comments in the stubs source files. Defaults to false. Has no effect if create_doc_stubs: true.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 previous_api string, user can specify the version of previous released API file in order to do compatibility check.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 removed_api_filename string, the generated removed API filename by Metalava, defaults to <module>_removed.txt
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath. Defaults to "none"
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 validate_nullability_from_list string, a file containing a list of classes to do nullability validation for.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.
 write_sdk_values bool, if set to true, collect the values used by the Dev tools and write them in files packaged with the SDK. Defaults to false.


droidstubs_host passes sources files through Metalava to generate stub .java files that only contain the API to be documented, filtering out hidden classes and methods. The resulting .java files are intended to be passed to a droiddoc_host module to generate documentation. Use a droidstubs_host instead of a droidstubs module when symbols needed by the source files are provided by java_library_host modules.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 defaults list of string
 aconfig_declarations list of string, a list of aconfig_declarations module names that the stubs generated in this module depend on.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 annotations_enabled bool, is set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain annotations.
 api_filename string, The generated public API filename by Metalava, defaults to <module>_api.txt
 api_levels_annotations_dirs list of string, the dirs which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from.
 api_levels_annotations_enabled bool, if set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain API levels annotations.
 api_levels_jar_filename string, the filename which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from. Defaults to android.jar.
 api_levels_module string, Apply the api levels database created by this module rather than generating one in this droidstubs.
 api_levels_sdk_type string, the sdk kind which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from. Supports 'public', 'system', 'module-lib' and 'system-server'; defaults to public.
 api_surface string, API surface of this module. If set, the module contributes to an API surface. For the full list of available API surfaces, refer to soong/android/sdk_version.go
 arch interface
 arg_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 args string, user customized droiddoc args. Deprecated, use flags instead. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 enabled bool
 new_since string, If set, performs api_lint on any new APIs not found in the given signature file
 baseline_file string, If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API lint violations.
check_api.current ApiToCheck
 api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new API extracted from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 removed_api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new @removed API extractd from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 baseline_file string, If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API check violations.
 args string, Arguments to the apicheck tool.
check_api.last_released ApiToCheck
 api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new API extracted from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 removed_api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new @removed API extractd from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 baseline_file string, If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API check violations.
 args string, Arguments to the apicheck tool.
 check_nullability_warnings string, a file containing expected warnings produced by validation of nullability annotations.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 create_doc_stubs bool, if set to true, allow Metalava to generate doc_stubs source files. Defaults to false.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 extensions_info_file string, path or filegroup to file defining extension an SDK name <-> numerical ID mapping and what APIs exist in which SDKs; passed to metalava via --sdk-extensions-info
 filter_packages list of string, list of package names that should actually be used. If this property is left unspecified, all the sources from the srcs property is used.
 flags list of string, user customized droiddoc args. Not compatible with property args. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 generate_stubs bool, if set to false then do not write out stubs. Defaults to true. TODO(b/146727827): Remove capability when we do not need to generate stubs and API separately.
 high_mem bool, if set to true, provides a hint to the build system that this rule uses a lot of memory, which can be used for scheduling purposes
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to false, don't allow this module( to be exported. Defaults to true.
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javadoc as -source
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 merge_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing files to merge qualifier annotations (i.e. those intended to be included in the stubs written) from.
 merge_inclusion_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing Java stub files to merge show/hide annotations from.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files used in args that will be generated
 output_javadoc_comments bool, if set to true, cause Metalava to output Javadoc comments in the stubs source files. Defaults to false. Has no effect if create_doc_stubs: true.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 previous_api string, user can specify the version of previous released API file in order to do compatibility check.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 removed_api_filename string, the generated removed API filename by Metalava, defaults to <module>_removed.txt
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath. Defaults to "none"
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 validate_nullability_from_list string, a file containing a list of classes to do nullability validation for.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.
 write_sdk_values bool, if set to true, collect the values used by the Dev tools and write them in files packaged with the SDK. Defaults to false.


global_compat_config provides access to the merged compat config xml file generated by the build.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 filename string, name of the file into which the metadata will be copied.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 aconfig_declarations list of string, List of aconfig_declarations module names that the stubs generated in this module depend on.
 api_contributions list of string, list of Java API contribution modules that consists this API surface This is a list of Soong modules
 api_surface string, name of the API surface
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enable_validation bool, If true, the module runs validation on the API signature files provided by the modules passed via api_contributions by checking if the files are in sync with the source Java files. However, the environment variable DISABLE_STUB_VALIDATION has precedence over this property.
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 full_api_surface_stub string, Java Api library to provide the full API surface stub jar file. If this property is set, the stub jar of this module is created by extracting the compiled class files provided by the full_api_surface_stub module.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 javacflags list of string, List of flags to be passed to the javac compiler to generate jar file
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to and should be passed as classpath in javac invocation
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 previous_api string, Version of previously released API file for compatibility check.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_libs list of string, List of java libs that this module has static dependencies to and will be merge zipped after metalava invocation
 stubs_type string, Type of stubs the module should generate. Must be one of "everything", "runtime" or "exportable". Defaults to "everything". - "everything" stubs include all non-flagged apis and flagged apis, regardless of the state of the flag. - "runtime" stubs include all non-flagged apis and flagged apis that are ENABLED or READ_WRITE, and all other flagged apis are stripped. - "exportable" stubs include all non-flagged apis and flagged apis that are ENABLED and READ_ONLY, and all other flagged apis are stripped.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, java_system_modules module providing the jar to be added to the bootclasspath when compiling the stubs. The jar will also be passed to metalava as a classpath to generate compilable stubs.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_binary builds a `.jar` file and a shell script that executes it for the device, and possibly for the host as well. By default, a java_binary has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `classes.dex` files that were compiled against the device bootclasspath. Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one compiled against the device bootclasspath and one compiled against the host bootclasspath.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 arch interface
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string, Names of modules containing JNI libraries that should be installed alongside the host variant of the binary.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that.
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 main_class string, Name of the class containing main to be inserted into the manifest as Main-Class.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_only bool, Indicates that the module and its source code are only used in tests, not production code. Used by coverage reports and potentially other tools.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.
 wrapper string, installable script to execute the resulting jar


java_binary_host builds a `.jar` file and a shell script that executes it for the host. A java_binary_host has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were compiled against the host bootclasspath.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 arch interface
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string, Names of modules containing JNI libraries that should be installed alongside the host variant of the binary.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 main_class string, Name of the class containing main to be inserted into the manifest as Main-Class.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.
 wrapper string, installable script to execute the resulting jar


java_defaults provides a set of properties that can be inherited by other java or android modules. A module can use the properties from a java_defaults module using `defaults: ["defaults_module_name"]`. Each property in the defaults module that exists in the depending module will be prepended to the depending module's value for that property. Example:

	java_defaults {
	    name: "example_defaults",
	    srcs: ["common/**/*.java"],
	    javacflags: ["-Xlint:all"],
	    aaptflags: ["--auto-add-overlay"],

	java_library {
	    name: "example",
	    defaults: ["example_defaults"],
	    srcs: ["example/**/*.java"],

is functionally identical to:

	java_library {
	    name: "example",
	    srcs: [
	    javacflags: ["-Xlint:all"],

 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aapt_include_all_resources bool, include all resource configurations, not just the product-configured ones.
 aaptflags list of string, flags passed to aapt when creating the apk
 aars list of string, ARR (android library prebuilt) filepath. Exactly one ARR is required.
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 aconfig_declarations list of string, a list of aconfig_declarations module names that the stubs generated in this module depend on.
 additional_certificates list of string, Names of extra android_app_certificate modules to sign the apk with in the form ":module".
 additional_manifests list of string, paths to additional manifest files to merge with main manifest.
 additional_stubs list of string, The list of additional stub libraries which this fragment's contents use but which are not provided by another bootclasspath_fragment. Note, "android-non-updatable" is treated specially. While no such module exists it is treated as if it was a java_sdk_library. So, when public API stubs are needed then it will be replaced with "android-non-updatable.stubs", with "androidn-non-updatable.system.stubs" when the system stubs are needed and so on.
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 annotations_enabled bool, is set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain annotations.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Api properties provide information about the APIs provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. Properties in this section apply to public, system and test api scopes. They DO NOT apply to core_platform as that is a special, ART specific scope, that does not follow the pattern and so has its own section. It is in the process of being deprecated and replaced by the system scope but this will remain for the foreseeable future to maintain backwards compatibility. Every bootclasspath_fragment must specify at least one stubs_lib in this section and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to other parts of Android, including but not limited to applications.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
 api_contributions list of string, list of Java API contribution modules that consists this API surface This is a list of Soong modules
 api_dir string, the relative path to the directory containing the api specification files. Defaults to "api".
Properties related to api linting.
 enabled bool, Enable api linting.
 legacy_errors_allowed bool, If API lint is enabled, this flag controls whether a set of legitimate lint errors are turned off. The default is true.
 api_only bool, Determines whether a runtime implementation library is built; defaults to false. If true then it also prevents the module from being used as a shared module, i.e. it is as if shared_library: false, was set.
 api_packages list of string, list of package names that will be documented and publicized as API. This allows the API to be restricted to a subset of the source files provided. If this is unspecified then all the source files will be treated as being part of the API.
 api_srcs list of string, List of source files that are needed to compile the API, but are not part of runtime library.
 api_surface string, name of the API surface
 arch interface
 asset_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing assets. Defaults to ["assets"] if a directory called assets exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 assets list of string, list of files to use as assets.
 auto_gen_config bool, Flag to indicate whether or not to create test config automatically. If AndroidTest.xml doesn't exist next to the Android.bp, this attribute doesn't need to be set to true explicitly.
 certificate string, the name of a certificate in the default certificate directory or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module".
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 contents list of string, The contents of this bootclasspath_fragment, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. A java_sdk_library specified here will also be treated as if it was specified on the stub_libs property. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the bootclasspath.
 contribute_to_android_api bool, Determines if the module contributes to any api surfaces. This property should be set to true only if the module is listed under frameworks-base-api.bootclasspath in frameworks/base/api/Android.bp. Otherwise, this property should be set to false. Defaults to false.
core_platform_api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Properties related to the core platform API surface. This must only be used by the following modules: * ART * Conscrypt * I18N The bootclasspath_fragments for each of the above modules must specify at least one stubs_lib and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to the other modules in the list.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
coverage BootclasspathFragmentCoverageAffectedProperties
 contents list of string, The contents of this bootclasspath_fragment, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. A java_sdk_library specified here will also be treated as if it was specified on the stub_libs property. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the bootclasspath.
api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Api properties provide information about the APIs provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. Properties in this section apply to public, system and test api scopes. They DO NOT apply to core_platform as that is a special, ART specific scope, that does not follow the pattern and so has its own section. It is in the process of being deprecated and replaced by the system scope but this will remain for the foreseeable future to maintain backwards compatibility. Every bootclasspath_fragment must specify at least one stubs_lib in this section and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to other parts of Android, including but not limited to applications.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
core_platform_api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Properties related to the core platform API surface. This must only be used by the following modules: * ART * Conscrypt * I18N The bootclasspath_fragments for each of the above modules must specify at least one stubs_lib and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to the other modules in the list.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 data list of string, list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside the test
 data_device_bins_32 list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property only adds 32bit variants of the dependency
 data_device_bins_64 list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property only adds 64bit variants of the dependency
 data_device_bins_both list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property adds 64bit AND 32bit variants of the dependency
 data_device_bins_first list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property only adds the first variant of the dependency
 data_device_bins_prefer32 list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property adds 32bit variants of the dependency if available, or else defaults to the 64bit variant
 data_native_bins list of string, list of native binary modules that should be installed alongside the test
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 default_to_stubs bool, Determines if the stubs are preferred over the implementation library for linking, even when the client doesn't specify sdk_version. When this is set to true, such clients are provided with the widest API surface that this lib provides. Note however that this option doesn't affect the clients that are in the same APEX as this library. In that case, the clients are always linked with the implementation library. Default is false.
 defaults_visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of the defaults module itself.
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dist_group string, The subdirectory for the artifacts that are copied to the dist directory. If not specified then defaults to "unknown". Should be set to "android" for anything that should be published in the public Android SDK.
 dist_stem string, The stem for the artifacts that are copied to the dist, if not specified then defaults to the base module name. For each scope the following artifacts are copied to the apistubs/<scope> directory in the dist. * stubs impl jar -> <dist-stem>.jar * API specification file -> api/<dist-stem>.txt * Removed API specification file -> api/<dist-stem>-removed.txt Also used to construct the name of the filegroup (created by prebuilt_apis) that references the latest released API and remove API specification files. * API specification filegroup -> <dist-stem>.api.<scope>.latest * Removed API specification filegroup -> <dist-stem>-removed.api.<scope>.latest * API incompatibilities baseline filegroup -> <dist-stem>-incompatibilities.api.<scope>.latest
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 doctag_files list of string, Files containing information about supported java doc tags.
 dont_merge_manifests bool, do not include AndroidManifest from dependent libraries
 droiddoc_option_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 droiddoc_options list of string, additional droiddoc options. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the droiddoc_option_files with name <label>

 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 embed_notices bool, If set, find and merge all NOTICE files that this module and its dependencies have and store it in the APK as an asset.
 enable_validation bool, If true, the module runs validation on the API signature files provided by the modules passed via api_contributions by checking if the files are in sync with the source Java files. However, the environment variable DISABLE_STUB_VALIDATION has precedence over this property.
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_default_target_sdk_version bool, It can be set to test the behaviour of default target sdk version. Only required when updatable: false. It is an error if updatable: true and this is false.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_dirs list of string, List of directories to remove from the jar file(s)
 exclude_files list of string, List of files to remove from the jar file(s)
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 export_package_resources bool, If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 extract_jni bool, If true, extract JNI libs from AAR archive. These libs will be accessible to android_app modules and will be passed transitively through android_libraries to an android_app. TODO(b/241138093) evaluate whether we can have this flag default to true for Bazel conversion
 flags_packages list of string, Names of aconfig_declarations modules that specify aconfig flags that the module depends on.
 fragments list of ApexVariantReference, The names of the bootclasspath_fragment modules that form part of this module.
 full_api_surface_stub string, Java Api library to provide the full API surface stub jar file. If this property is set, the stub jar of this module is created by extracting the compiled class files provided by the full_api_surface_stub module.
 generate_product_characteristics_rro bool, If set, create an RRO package which contains only resources having PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS and install the RRO package to /product partition, instead of passing --product argument to aapt2. Default is false. Setting this will make this APK identical to all targets, regardless of PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hidden_api_packages list of string, list of package names that must be hidden from the API
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 image_name string, The name of the image this represents. If specified then it must be one of "art" or "boot".
 impl_library_visibility list of string, Visibility for impl library module. If not specified then defaults to the visibility property.
 impl_only_libs list of string, List of Java libraries that will be in the classpath when building the implementation lib
 impl_only_static_libs list of string, List of Java libraries that will included in the implementation lib.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool
 instrumentation_for string, The name of the android_app module that the tests will run against.
 instrumentation_target_package string, If specified, the instrumentation target package name in the manifest is overwritten by it.
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module provides stubs jar or not.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 jars list of string
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jetifier bool, if set to true, run Jetifier against .jar file. Defaults to false.
 jni_libs list of string, Names of modules containing JNI libraries that should be installed alongside the test.
 jni_uses_platform_apis bool, if true, use JNI libraries that link against platform APIs even if this module sets sdk_version.
 jni_uses_sdk_apis bool, if true, use JNI libraries that link against SDK APIs even if this module does not set sdk_version.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to and should be passed as classpath in javac invocation
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lineage string, Name of the signing certificate lineage file.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that.
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 logging_parent string, the logging parent of this app.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 mainline_package_name string, If specified, the mainline module package name in the test config is overwritten by it.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
manifest_values Manifest_values
 applicationId string, Overrides the value of package_name in the manifest
 max_device_sdk string, Indicates that PackageManager should ignore this shared library if the platform is above the version indicated in this attribute. This means that the device won't recognise this library as installed.
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 merge_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing files to merge qualifier annotations (i.e. those intended to be included in the stubs written) from.
 merge_inclusion_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing Java stub files to merge show/hide annotations from.
 min_device_sdk string, Indicates that PackageManager should ignore this shared library if the platform is below the version indicated in this attribute. This means that the device won't recognise this library as installed.
 min_sdk_version string, If not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
module_lib ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the module-lib api scope Unless explicitly specified by using module_lib.enabled the module_lib api scope is disabled by default.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 multilib interface
 naming_scheme string, The naming scheme to use for the components that this module creates. If not specified then it defaults to "default". This is a temporary mechanism to simplify conversion from separate modules for each component that follow a different naming pattern to the default one. TODO(b/155480189) - Remove once naming inconsistencies have been resolved.
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 no_dist bool, If set to true then don't create dist rules.
 on_bootclasspath_before string, Signals that this shared library was part of the bootclasspath before (but not including) the version indicated in this attribute. The system will automatically add a <uses-library> tag with this library to apps that target any SDK less than the version indicated in this attribute.
 on_bootclasspath_since string, Signals that this shared library is part of the bootclasspath starting on the version indicated in this attribute. This will make platforms at this level and above to ignore <uses-library> tags with this library name because the library is already available
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries (in Make or Soong). This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 package_name string, the package name of this app. The package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 package_splits list of string, list of resource labels to generate individual resource packages
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 per_testcase_directory bool, Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 previous_api string, Version of previously released API file for compatibility check.
 privapp_allowlist string, Specifies the file that contains the allowlist for this app.
 privileged bool, Specifies that this app should be installed to the priv-app directory, where the system will grant it additional privileges not available to normal apps.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
public ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the public api scope Unless explicitly specified by using public.enabled the public api scope is enabled by default in both legacy and non-legacy mode.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 rename_resources_package bool, Whether to rename the package in resources to the override name rather than the base name. Defaults to true.
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 resource_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing Android resources. Defaults to ["res"] if a directory called res exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 resource_libs list of string, list of android_app modules whose resources are extracted and linked against
 resource_zips list of string, list of zip files containing Android resources.
 rotationMinSdkVersion string, For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. This can be either an API version (e.g. "29" for API level 29 AKA Android 10) or special subsets of the current platform, for example "none", "current", "core", "system", "test". See build/soong/java/sdk.go for the full and up-to-date list of possible values. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 shared_library bool, Specifies whether this module can be used as an Android shared library; defaults to true. An Android shared library is one that can be referenced in a <uses-library> element in an AndroidManifest.xml.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 stl string, STL library to use for JNI libraries.
 stub_only_libs list of string, List of Java libraries that will be in the classpath when building stubs
 stub_only_static_libs list of string, List of Java libraries that will included in stub libraries
 stubs_library_visibility list of string, Visibility for stubs library modules. If not specified then defaults to the visibility property.
 stubs_source_visibility list of string, Visibility for stubs source modules. If not specified then defaults to the visibility property.
 stubs_type string, Type of stubs the module should generate. Must be one of "everything", "runtime" or "exportable". Defaults to "everything". - "everything" stubs include all non-flagged apis and flagged apis, regardless of the state of the flag. - "runtime" stubs include all non-flagged apis and flagged apis that are ENABLED or READ_WRITE, and all other flagged apis are stripped. - "exportable" stubs include all non-flagged apis and flagged apis that are ENABLED and READ_ONLY, and all other flagged apis are stripped.
system ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the system api scope In legacy mode the system api scope is enabled by default when sdk_version is set to something other than "none". In non-legacy mode the system api scope is disabled by default.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
system_server ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the system-server api scope Unless explicitly specified by using system_server.enabled the system_server api scope is disabled by default.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
test ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the test api scope In legacy mode the test api scope is enabled by default when sdk_version is set to something other than "none". In non-legacy mode the test api scope is disabled by default.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 test_config string, the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_config_template string, the name of the test configuration template (for example "AndroidTestTemplate.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_mainline_modules list of string, Add parameterized mainline modules to auto generated test config. The options will be handled by TradeFed to do downloading and installing the specified modules on the device.
test_options TestOptions
Test options.
 extra_test_configs list of string, a list of extra test configuration files that should be installed with the module.
 tradefed_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 test_runner_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file under the test runner, e.g., AndroidJunitTest. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 unit_test bool, If the test is a hostside (no device required) unittest that shall be run during presubmit check.
 tags list of string, Tags provide additional metadata to customize test execution by downstream test runners. The tags have no special meaning to Soong.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into.
 theme string, optional theme name. If specified, the overlay package will be applied only when the ro.boot.vendor.overlay.theme system property is set to the same value.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 unsafe_ignore_missing_latest_api bool, A compatibility mode that allows historical API-tracking files to not exist. Do not use.
 updatable bool, Whether this app is considered mainline updatable or not. When set to true, this will enforce additional rules to make sure an app can safely be updated. Default is false. Prefer using other specific properties if build behaviour must be changed; avoid using this flag for anything but neverallow rules (unless the behaviour change is invisible to owners).
 use_embedded_dex bool, Store dex files uncompressed in the APK and set the android:useEmbeddedDex="true" manifest attribute so that they are used from inside the APK at runtime.
 use_embedded_native_libs bool, Store native libraries uncompressed in the APK and set the android:extractNativeLibs="false" manifest flag so that they are used from inside the APK at runtime. Defaults to true for android_test modules unless sdk_version or min_sdk_version is set to a version that doesn't support it (<23), defaults to true for android_app modules that are embedded to APEXes, defaults to false for other module types where the native libraries are generally preinstalled outside the APK.
 use_resource_processor bool, If use_resource_processor is set, use Bazel's resource processor instead of aapt2 to generate R.class files. The resource processor produces more optimal R.class files that only list resources in the package of the library that provided them, as opposed to aapt2 which produces files for every package containing every resource. Using the resource processor can provide significant build time speedups, but requires fixing the module to use the correct package to reference each resource, and to avoid having any other libraries in the tree that use the same package name. Defaults to false, but will default to true in the future.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_device_for_host makes the classes.jar output of a device java_library module available to host java_library modules. It is rarely necessary, and its usage is restricted to a few allowed projects.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 libs list of string, List of modules whose contents will be visible to modules that depend on this module.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_fuzz builds and links sources into a `.jar` file for the device. This generates .class files in a jar which can then be instrumented before fuzzing in Android Runtime (ART: Android OS on emulator or device)
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 arch interface
 auto_gen_config bool, Flag to indicate whether or not to create test config automatically. If AndroidTest.xml doesn't exist next to the Android.bp, this attribute doesn't need to be set to true explicitly.
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 corpus list of string, Optional list of seed files to be installed to the fuzz target's output directory.
 data list of string, Optional list of data files to be installed to the fuzz target's output directory. Directory structure relative to the module is preserved.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
 dictionary string, Optional dictionary to be installed to the fuzz target's output directory.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 fuzz_config FuzzConfig, Config for running the target on fuzzing infrastructure.
 fuzzing_frameworks FuzzFrameworks, Define the fuzzing frameworks this fuzz target can be built for. If empty then the fuzz target will be available to be built for all fuzz frameworks available
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string, Names of modules containing JNI libraries that should be installed alongside the test.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that. Default: true
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 per_testcase_directory bool, Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_config string, the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_config_template string, the name of the test configuration template (for example "AndroidTestTemplate.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_mainline_modules list of string, Add parameterized mainline modules to auto generated test config. The options will be handled by TradeFed to do downloading and installing the specified modules on the device.
test_options TestOptions
Test options.
 extra_test_configs list of string, a list of extra test configuration files that should be installed with the module.
 tradefed_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 test_runner_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file under the test runner, e.g., AndroidJunitTest. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 unit_test bool, If the test is a hostside (no device required) unittest that shall be run during presubmit check.
 tags list of string, Tags provide additional metadata to customize test execution by downstream test runners. The tags have no special meaning to Soong.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_genrule is a genrule that can depend on other java_* objects. By default a java_genrule has a single variant that will run against the device variant of its dependencies and produce an output that can be used as an input to a device java rule. Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one that uses device dependencies and one that uses host dependencies. Each variant will run the command. Use a java_genrule instead of a genrule when it needs to depend on or be depended on by other java modules, unless the dependency is for a generated source file. Examples: Use a java_genrule to package generated java resources:

	java_genrule {
	    name: "generated_resources",
	    tools: [
	    srcs: ["generator_inputs/**/*"],
	    out: ["generated_android_icu4j_resources.jar"],
	    cmd: "$(location generator) $(in) -o $(genDir) " +
	        "&& $(location soong_zip) -o $(out) -C $(genDir)/res -D $(genDir)/res",

	java_library {
	    name: "lib_with_generated_resources",
	    srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
	    static_libs: ["generated_resources"],

 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of input files
 exclude_srcs list of string, input files to exclude
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 arch interface
 cmd string, The command to run on one or more input files. Cmd supports substitution of a few variables. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location): the path to the first entry in tools or tool_files.
 $(location <label>): the path to the tool, tool_file, input or output with name <label>. Use $(location) if <label> refers to a rule that outputs exactly one file.
 $(locations <label>): the paths to the tools, tool_files, inputs or outputs with name <label>. Use $(locations) if <label> refers to a rule that outputs two or more files.
 $(in): one or more input files.
 $(out): a single output file.
 $(genDir): the sandbox directory for this tool; contains $(out).
 $$: a literal $

 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 export_include_dirs list of string, List of directories to export generated headers from
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files that will be generated
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 tool_files list of string, Local files that are used by the tool
 tools list of string, name of the modules (if any) that produces the host executable. Leave empty for prebuilts or scripts that do not need a module to build them.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.
 write_if_changed bool, Enable restat to update the output only if the output is changed


java_genrule_host is a genrule that can depend on other java_* objects. A java_genrule_host has a single variant that will run against the host variant of its dependencies and produce an output that can be used as an input to a host java rule.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of input files
 exclude_srcs list of string, input files to exclude
 defaults list of string
 arch interface
 cmd string, The command to run on one or more input files. Cmd supports substitution of a few variables. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location): the path to the first entry in tools or tool_files.
 $(location <label>): the path to the tool, tool_file, input or output with name <label>. Use $(location) if <label> refers to a rule that outputs exactly one file.
 $(locations <label>): the paths to the tools, tool_files, inputs or outputs with name <label>. Use $(locations) if <label> refers to a rule that outputs two or more files.
 $(in): one or more input files.
 $(out): a single output file.
 $(genDir): the sandbox directory for this tool; contains $(out).
 $$: a literal $

 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 export_include_dirs list of string, List of directories to export generated headers from
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files that will be generated
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 tool_files list of string, Local files that are used by the tool
 tools list of string, name of the modules (if any) that produces the host executable. Leave empty for prebuilts or scripts that do not need a module to build them.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.
 write_if_changed bool, Enable restat to update the output only if the output is changed


java_host_for_device makes the classes.jar output of a host java_library module available to device java_library modules. It is rarely necessary, and its usage is restricted to a few allowed projects.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 libs list of string, List of modules whose contents will be visible to modules that depend on this module.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_import imports one or more `.jar` files into the build graph as if they were built by a java_library module. By default, a java_import has a single variant that expects a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were compiled against an Android classpath. Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one for use as a dependency of device modules and one for host modules.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use the profile in the prebuilt APEX to guide optimization. Defaults to false.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 exclude_dirs list of string, List of directories to remove from the jar file(s)
 exclude_files list of string, List of files to remove from the jar file(s)
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module provides stubs jar or not.
 jars list of string
 jetifier bool, if set to true, run Jetifier against .jar file. Defaults to false.
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 min_sdk_version string, The minimum version of the SDK that this module supports. Defaults to sdk_version if not specified.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages.
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, The max sdk version placeholder used to replace maxSdkVersion attributes on permission and uses-permission tags in manifest_fixer.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, The version of the SDK that the source prebuilt file was built against. Defaults to the current version if not specified.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 static_libs list of string, List of static java libs that this module has dependencies to
 stem string, set the name of the output
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_import imports one or more `.jar` files into the build graph as if they were built by a java_library_host module. A java_import_host has a single variant that expects a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were compiled against a host bootclasspath.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 exclude_dirs list of string, List of directories to remove from the jar file(s)
 exclude_files list of string, List of files to remove from the jar file(s)
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module provides stubs jar or not.
 jars list of string
 jetifier bool, if set to true, run Jetifier against .jar file. Defaults to false.
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 min_sdk_version string, The minimum version of the SDK that this module supports. Defaults to sdk_version if not specified.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages.
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, The max sdk version placeholder used to replace maxSdkVersion attributes on permission and uses-permission tags in manifest_fixer.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, The version of the SDK that the source prebuilt file was built against. Defaults to the current version if not specified.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 static_libs list of string, List of static java libs that this module has dependencies to
 stem string, set the name of the output
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_library builds and links sources into a `.jar` file for the device, and possibly for the host as well. By default, a java_library has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were compiled against the device bootclasspath. This jar is not suitable for installing on a device, but can be used as a `static_libs` dependency of another module. Specifying `installable: true` will product a `.jar` file containing `classes.dex` files, suitable for installing on a device. Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one compiled against the device bootclasspath and one compiled against the host bootclasspath.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable.
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that.
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_only bool, Indicates that the module and its source code are only used in tests, not production code. Used by coverage reports and potentially other tools.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_library_host builds and links sources into a `.jar` file for the host. A java_library_host has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were compiled against the host bootclasspath.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_library_static is an obsolete alias for java_library.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable.
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that.
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_only bool, Indicates that the module and its source code are only used in tests, not production code. Used by coverage reports and potentially other tools.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 arch interface
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 generates_api bool, If true, assume the annotation processor will generate classes that are referenced from outside the module. This necessitates disabling the turbine optimization on modules that use this plugin, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation for modules that depend on modules that use this plugin.
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable.
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 processor_class string, The optional name of the class that javac will use to run the annotation processor.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_sdk_library is a special Java library that provides optional platform APIs to apps. In practice, it can be viewed as a combination of several modules: 1) stubs library that clients are linked against to, 2) droiddoc module that internally generates API stubs source files, 3) the real runtime shared library that implements the APIs, and 4) XML file for adding the runtime lib to the classpath at runtime if requested via <uses-library>.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 aconfig_declarations list of string, a list of aconfig_declarations module names that the stubs generated in this module depend on.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 annotations_enabled bool, is set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain annotations.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 api_dir string, the relative path to the directory containing the api specification files. Defaults to "api".
Properties related to api linting.
 enabled bool, Enable api linting.
 legacy_errors_allowed bool, If API lint is enabled, this flag controls whether a set of legitimate lint errors are turned off. The default is true.
 api_only bool, Determines whether a runtime implementation library is built; defaults to false. If true then it also prevents the module from being used as a shared module, i.e. it is as if shared_library: false, was set.
 api_packages list of string, list of package names that will be documented and publicized as API. This allows the API to be restricted to a subset of the source files provided. If this is unspecified then all the source files will be treated as being part of the API.
 api_srcs list of string, List of source files that are needed to compile the API, but are not part of runtime library.
 arch interface
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 contribute_to_android_api bool, Determines if the module contributes to any api surfaces. This property should be set to true only if the module is listed under frameworks-base-api.bootclasspath in frameworks/base/api/Android.bp. Otherwise, this property should be set to false. Defaults to false.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 default_to_stubs bool, Determines if the stubs are preferred over the implementation library for linking, even when the client doesn't specify sdk_version. When this is set to true, such clients are provided with the widest API surface that this lib provides. Note however that this option doesn't affect the clients that are in the same APEX as this library. In that case, the clients are always linked with the implementation library. Default is false.
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dist_group string, The subdirectory for the artifacts that are copied to the dist directory. If not specified then defaults to "unknown". Should be set to "android" for anything that should be published in the public Android SDK.
 dist_stem string, The stem for the artifacts that are copied to the dist, if not specified then defaults to the base module name. For each scope the following artifacts are copied to the apistubs/<scope> directory in the dist. * stubs impl jar -> <dist-stem>.jar * API specification file -> api/<dist-stem>.txt * Removed API specification file -> api/<dist-stem>-removed.txt Also used to construct the name of the filegroup (created by prebuilt_apis) that references the latest released API and remove API specification files. * API specification filegroup -> <dist-stem>.api.<scope>.latest * Removed API specification filegroup -> <dist-stem>-removed.api.<scope>.latest * API incompatibilities baseline filegroup -> <dist-stem>-incompatibilities.api.<scope>.latest
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 doctag_files list of string, Files containing information about supported java doc tags.
 droiddoc_option_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 droiddoc_options list of string, additional droiddoc options. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the droiddoc_option_files with name <label>

 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hidden_api_packages list of string, list of package names that must be hidden from the API
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 impl_library_visibility list of string, Visibility for impl library module. If not specified then defaults to the visibility property.
 impl_only_libs list of string, List of Java libraries that will be in the classpath when building the implementation lib
 impl_only_static_libs list of string, List of Java libraries that will included in the implementation lib.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that.
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_device_sdk string, Indicates that PackageManager should ignore this shared library if the platform is above the version indicated in this attribute. This means that the device won't recognise this library as installed.
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 merge_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing files to merge qualifier annotations (i.e. those intended to be included in the stubs written) from.
 merge_inclusion_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing Java stub files to merge show/hide annotations from.
 min_device_sdk string, Indicates that PackageManager should ignore this shared library if the platform is below the version indicated in this attribute. This means that the device won't recognise this library as installed.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
module_lib ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the module-lib api scope Unless explicitly specified by using module_lib.enabled the module_lib api scope is disabled by default.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 multilib interface
 naming_scheme string, The naming scheme to use for the components that this module creates. If not specified then it defaults to "default". This is a temporary mechanism to simplify conversion from separate modules for each component that follow a different naming pattern to the default one. TODO(b/155480189) - Remove once naming inconsistencies have been resolved.
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 no_dist bool, If set to true then don't create dist rules.
 on_bootclasspath_before string, Signals that this shared library was part of the bootclasspath before (but not including) the version indicated in this attribute. The system will automatically add a <uses-library> tag with this library to apps that target any SDK less than the version indicated in this attribute.
 on_bootclasspath_since string, Signals that this shared library is part of the bootclasspath starting on the version indicated in this attribute. This will make platforms at this level and above to ignore <uses-library> tags with this library name because the library is already available
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
public ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the public api scope Unless explicitly specified by using public.enabled the public api scope is enabled by default in both legacy and non-legacy mode.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 shared_library bool, Specifies whether this module can be used as an Android shared library; defaults to true. An Android shared library is one that can be referenced in a <uses-library> element in an AndroidManifest.xml.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 stub_only_libs list of string, List of Java libraries that will be in the classpath when building stubs
 stub_only_static_libs list of string, List of Java libraries that will included in stub libraries
 stubs_library_visibility list of string, Visibility for stubs library modules. If not specified then defaults to the visibility property.
 stubs_source_visibility list of string, Visibility for stubs source modules. If not specified then defaults to the visibility property.
system ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the system api scope In legacy mode the system api scope is enabled by default when sdk_version is set to something other than "none". In non-legacy mode the system api scope is disabled by default.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
system_server ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the system-server api scope Unless explicitly specified by using system_server.enabled the system_server api scope is disabled by default.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
test ApiScopeProperties
The properties specific to the test api scope In legacy mode the test api scope is enabled by default when sdk_version is set to something other than "none". In non-legacy mode the test api scope is disabled by default.
 enabled bool, Indicates whether the api surface is generated. If this is set for any scope then all scopes must explicitly specify if they are enabled. This is to prevent new usages from depending on legacy behavior. Otherwise, if this is not set for any scope then the default behavior is scope specific so please refer to the scope specific property documentation.
 sdk_version string, The sdk_version to use for building the stubs. If not specified then it will use an sdk_version determined as follows: 1) If the sdk_version specified on the java_sdk_library is none then this will be none. This is used for java_sdk_library instances that are used to create stubs that contribute to the core_current sdk version. 2) Otherwise, it is assumed that this library extends but does not contribute directly to a specific sdk_version and so this uses the sdk_version appropriate for the api scope. e.g. public will use sdk_version: current, system will use sdk_version: system_current, etc. This does not affect the sdk_version used for either generating the stubs source or the API file. They both have to use the same sdk_version as is used for compiling the implementation library.
 libs list of string, Extra libs used when compiling stubs for this scope.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 unsafe_ignore_missing_latest_api bool, A compatibility mode that allows historical API-tracking files to not exist. Do not use.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_sdk_library_import imports a prebuilt java_sdk_library.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex files for the stubs. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use the profile in the prebuilt APEX to guide optimization. Defaults to false.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 doctag_files list of string, Files containing information about supported java doc tags.
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs, common to all scopes, that this module has dependencies to
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 max_device_sdk string, Indicates that PackageManager should ignore this shared library if the platform is above the version indicated in this attribute. This means that the device won't recognise this library as installed.
 min_device_sdk string, Indicates that PackageManager should ignore this shared library if the platform is below the version indicated in this attribute. This means that the device won't recognise this library as installed.
module_lib sdkLibraryScopeProperties
Properties associated with each api scope.
 jars list of string
 sdk_version string
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
 stub_srcs list of string, The stubs source.
 current_api string, The current.txt
 removed_api string, The removed.txt
 annotations string, Annotation zip
 multilib interface
 naming_scheme string, The naming scheme to use for the components that this module creates. If not specified then it defaults to "default". This is a temporary mechanism to simplify conversion from separate modules for each component that follow a different naming pattern to the default one. TODO(b/155480189) - Remove once naming inconsistencies have been resolved.
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 on_bootclasspath_before string, Signals that this shared library was part of the bootclasspath before (but not including) the version indicated in this attribute. The system will automatically add a <uses-library> tag with this library to apps that target any SDK less than the version indicated in this attribute.
 on_bootclasspath_since string, Signals that this shared library is part of the bootclasspath starting on the version indicated in this attribute. This will make platforms at this level and above to ignore <uses-library> tags with this library name because the library is already available
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages.
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
public sdkLibraryScopeProperties
Properties associated with each api scope.
 jars list of string
 sdk_version string
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
 stub_srcs list of string, The stubs source.
 current_api string, The current.txt
 removed_api string, The removed.txt
 annotations string, Annotation zip
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 shared_library bool, Specifies whether this module can be used as an Android shared library; defaults to true. An Android shared library is one that can be referenced in a <uses-library> element in an AndroidManifest.xml.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
system sdkLibraryScopeProperties
Properties associated with each api scope.
 jars list of string
 sdk_version string
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
 stub_srcs list of string, The stubs source.
 current_api string, The current.txt
 removed_api string, The removed.txt
 annotations string, Annotation zip
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
system_server sdkLibraryScopeProperties
Properties associated with each api scope.
 jars list of string
 sdk_version string
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
 stub_srcs list of string, The stubs source.
 current_api string, The current.txt
 removed_api string, The removed.txt
 annotations string, Annotation zip
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
test sdkLibraryScopeProperties
Properties associated with each api scope.
 jars list of string
 sdk_version string
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
 stub_srcs list of string, The stubs source.
 current_api string, The current.txt
 removed_api string, The removed.txt
 annotations string, Annotation zip
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_system_modules creates a system module from a set of java libraries that can be referenced from the system_modules property. It must contain at a minimum the java.base module which must include classes from java.lang amongst other java packages.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 libs list of string, List of java library modules that should be included in the system modules
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


A prebuilt version of java_system_modules. It does not import the generated system module, it generates the system module from imported java libraries in the same way that java_system_modules does. It just acts as a prebuilt, i.e. can have the same base name as another module type and the one to use is selected at runtime.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 libs list of string, List of java library modules that should be included in the system modules
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_test builds a and links sources into a `.jar` file for the device, and possibly for the host as well, and creates an `AndroidTest.xml` file to allow running the test with `atest` or a `TEST_MAPPING` file. By default, a java_test has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `classes.dex` files that were compiled against the device bootclasspath. Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one compiled against the device bootclasspath and one compiled against the host bootclasspath.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 arch interface
 auto_gen_config bool, Flag to indicate whether or not to create test config automatically. If AndroidTest.xml doesn't exist next to the Android.bp, this attribute doesn't need to be set to true explicitly.
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 data list of string, list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside the test
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string, Names of modules containing JNI libraries that should be installed alongside the test.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that. Default: true
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 per_testcase_directory bool, Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_config string, the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_config_template string, the name of the test configuration template (for example "AndroidTestTemplate.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_mainline_modules list of string, Add parameterized mainline modules to auto generated test config. The options will be handled by TradeFed to do downloading and installing the specified modules on the device.
test_options TestOptions
Test options.
 extra_test_configs list of string, a list of extra test configuration files that should be installed with the module.
 tradefed_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 test_runner_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file under the test runner, e.g., AndroidJunitTest. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 unit_test bool, If the test is a hostside (no device required) unittest that shall be run during presubmit check.
 tags list of string, Tags provide additional metadata to customize test execution by downstream test runners. The tags have no special meaning to Soong.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_test_helper_library creates a java library and makes sure that it is added to the appropriate test suite.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 generate_traces bool, whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
 generate_get_transaction_name bool, whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
 enforce_permissions bool, whether all interfaces should be annotated with required permissions.
 enforce_permissions_exceptions list of string, allowlist for interfaces that (temporarily) do not require annotation for permissions.
 flags list of string, list of flags that will be passed to the AIDL compiler
 arch interface
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
 enabled bool, If false, prevent dexpreopting. Defaults to true.
 app_image bool, If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
 profile_guided bool, If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
 profile string, If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set, defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dxflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_kotlinc_generated_files bool, Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 package_prefixes list of string, Contains prefixes of a package hierarchy that is provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment. This affects the signature patterns file that is used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags. See split_packages property for more details.
 single_packages list of string, A list of individual packages that are provided solely by this bootclasspath_fragment but which cannot be listed in package_prefixes because there are sub-packages which are provided by other modules. This should only be used for legacy packages. New packages should be covered by a package prefix.
 split_packages list of string, The list of split packages provided by this bootclasspath_fragment. A split package is one that contains classes which are provided by multiple bootclasspath_fragment modules. This defaults to "*" - which treats all packages as being split. A module that has no split packages must specify an empty list. This affects the signature patterns file that is generated by a bootclasspath_fragment and used to select the subset of monolithic hidden API flags against which the flags generated by the bootclasspath_fragment are compared. The signature patterns file selects the subset of monolithic hidden API flags using a number of patterns, i.e.: * The qualified name (including package) of an outermost class, e.g. java/lang/Character.

  This selects all the flags for all the members of this class and any nested classes.
* A package wildcard, e.g. java/lang/*. This selects all the flags for all the members of all

  the classes in this package (but not in sub-packages).
* A recursive package wildcard, e.g. java/**. This selects all the flags for all the members

  of all the classes in this package and sub-packages.

The signature patterns file is constructed as follows: * All the signatures are retrieved from the all-flags.csv file. * The member and inner class names are removed. * If a class is in a split package then that is kept, otherwise the class part is removed

  and replaced with a wildcard, i.e. *.
* If a package matches a package prefix then the package is removed. * All the package prefixes are added with a recursive wildcard appended to each, i.e. **. * The resulting patterns are sorted. So, by default (i.e. without specifying any package_prefixes or split_packages) the signature patterns is a list of class names, because there are no package packages and all packages are assumed to be split. If any split packages are specified then only those packages are treated as split and all other packages are treated as belonging solely to the bootclasspath_fragment and so they use wildcard package patterns. So, if an empty list of split packages is specified then the signature patterns file just includes a wildcard package pattern for every package provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. If split_packages are specified and a package that is split is not listed then it could lead to build failures as it will select monolithic flags that are generated by another bootclasspath_fragment to compare against the flags provided by this fragment. The latter will obviously not contain those flags and that can cause the comparison and build to fail. If any package prefixes are specified then any matching packages are removed from the signature patterns and replaced with a single recursive package pattern. It is not strictly necessary to specify either package_prefixes or split_packages as the defaults will produce a valid set of signature patterns. However, those patterns may include implementation details, e.g. names of implementation classes or packages, which will be exported to the sdk snapshot in the signature patterns file. That is something that should be avoided where possible. Specifying package_prefixes and split_packages allows those implementation details to be excluded from the snapshot.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 hostdex bool, If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
Controls for running Android Lint on the module.
 enabled bool, If true, run Android Lint on the module. Defaults to true.
 flags list of string, Flags to pass to the Android Lint tool.
 fatal_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as fatal.
 error_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as errors.
 warning_checks list of string, Checks that should be treated as warnings.
 disabled_checks list of string, Checks that should be skipped.
 extra_check_modules list of string, Modules that provide extra lint checks
 baseline_filename string, The lint baseline file to use. If specified, lint warnings listed in this file will be suppressed during lint checks.
 strict_updatability_linting bool, If true, baselining updatability lint checks (e.g. NewApi) is prohibited. Defaults to false.
 test bool, Treat the code in this module as test code for @VisibleForTesting enforcement. This will be true by default for test module types, false otherwise. If soong gets support for testonly, this flag should be replaced with that. Default: true
 suppress_exit_code bool, Whether to ignore the exit code of Android lint. This is the --exit_code option. Defaults to false.
 main_dex_rules list of string, A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 max_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the maximum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 enabled bool, If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
 ignore_warnings bool, Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
 proguard_compatibility bool, If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests.
 shrink bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, false for libraries and tests.
 optimize bool, If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
 obfuscate bool, If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
 no_aapt_flags bool, If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
 shrink_resources bool, If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
 optimized_shrink_resources bool, If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes.
 proguard_flags list of string, Flags to pass to proguard.
 proguard_flags_files list of string, Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
 export_proguard_flags_files bool, If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 per_testcase_directory bool, Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 platform_apis bool, Whether to compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK. If true, then sdk_version must be empty. The value of this field is ignored when module's type isn't android_app, android_test, or android_test_helper_app.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, if not blank, set the maxSdkVersion properties of permission and uses-permission tags. Defaults to empty string "". See sdk_version for possible values.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to an empty string, which compiles the module against the private platform APIs. Values are of one of the following forms: 1) numerical API level, "current", "none", or "core_platform" 2) An SDK kind with an API level: "<sdk kind>_<API level>" See build/soong/android/sdk_version.go for the complete and up to date list of SDK kinds. If the SDK kind is empty, it will be set to public.
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 required list of string, Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 target_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml. Defaults to sdk_version if not set. See sdk_version for possible values.
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into.
 uncompress_dex bool, Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. It exists only to support ART tests.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 v4_signature bool, If true, generate the signature file of APK Signing Scheme V4, along side the signed APK file. Defaults to false.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_test_host builds a and links sources into a `.jar` file for the host, and creates an `AndroidTest.xml` file to allow running the test with `atest` or a `TEST_MAPPING` file. A java_test_host has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were compiled against the host bootclasspath.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 arch interface
 auto_gen_config bool, Flag to indicate whether or not to create test config automatically. If AndroidTest.xml doesn't exist next to the Android.bp, this attribute doesn't need to be set to true explicitly.
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 data list of string, list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside the test
 data_device_bins_32 list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property only adds 32bit variants of the dependency
 data_device_bins_64 list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property only adds 64bit variants of the dependency
 data_device_bins_both list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property adds 64bit AND 32bit variants of the dependency
 data_device_bins_first list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property only adds the first variant of the dependency
 data_device_bins_prefer32 list of string, list of device binary modules that should be installed alongside the test This property adds 32bit variants of the dependency if available, or else defaults to the 64bit variant
 data_native_bins list of string, list of native binary modules that should be installed alongside the test
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 jni_libs list of string, Names of modules containing JNI libraries that should be installed alongside the test.
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 per_testcase_directory bool, Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_config string, the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_config_template string, the name of the test configuration template (for example "AndroidTestTemplate.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_mainline_modules list of string, Add parameterized mainline modules to auto generated test config. The options will be handled by TradeFed to do downloading and installing the specified modules on the device.
test_options TestOptions
Test options.
 extra_test_configs list of string, a list of extra test configuration files that should be installed with the module.
 tradefed_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 test_runner_options list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Extra <option> tags to add to the auto generated test xml file under the test runner, e.g., AndroidJunitTest. The "key" is optional in each of these.
 unit_test bool, If the test is a hostside (no device required) unittest that shall be run during presubmit check.
 tags list of string, Tags provide additional metadata to customize test execution by downstream test runners. The tags have no special meaning to Soong.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


java_test_import imports one or more `.jar` files into the build graph as if they were built by a java_test module and makes sure that it is added to the appropriate test suite. By default, a java_test_import has a single variant that expects a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were compiled against an Android classpath. Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one for use as a dependency of device modules and one for host modules.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 export_include_dirs list of string, directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 exclude_dirs list of string, List of directories to remove from the jar file(s)
 exclude_files list of string, List of files to remove from the jar file(s)
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module provides stubs jar or not.
 jars list of string
 jetifier bool, if set to true, run Jetifier against .jar file. Defaults to false.
 libs list of string, List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 min_sdk_version string, The minimum version of the SDK that this module supports. Defaults to sdk_version if not specified.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages.
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 replace_max_sdk_version_placeholder string, The max sdk version placeholder used to replace maxSdkVersion attributes on permission and uses-permission tags in manifest_fixer.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, The version of the SDK that the source prebuilt file was built against. Defaults to the current version if not specified.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 static_libs list of string, List of static java libs that this module has dependencies to
 stem string, set the name of the output
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 test_config string, the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be installed with the module.
 test_suites list of string, list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be installed into.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


javadoc converts .java source files to documentation using javadoc.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 arch interface
 arg_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 args string, user customized droiddoc args. Deprecated, use flags instead. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 filter_packages list of string, list of package names that should actually be used. If this property is left unspecified, all the sources from the srcs property is used.
 flags list of string, user customized droiddoc args. Not compatible with property args. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to false, don't allow this module( to be exported. Defaults to true.
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javadoc as -source
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files used in args that will be generated
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath. Defaults to "none"
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


javadoc_host converts .java source files to documentation using javadoc.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 defaults list of string
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 arch interface
 arg_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 args string, user customized droiddoc args. Deprecated, use flags instead. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 filter_packages list of string, list of package names that should actually be used. If this property is left unspecified, all the sources from the srcs property is used.
 flags list of string, user customized droiddoc args. Not compatible with property args. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to false, don't allow this module( to be exported. Defaults to true.
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javadoc as -source
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files used in args that will be generated
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath. Defaults to "none"
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


override_android_app is used to create an android_app module based on another android_app by overriding some of its properties.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 arch interface
 base string, Name of the base module to be overridden
 certificate string, The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory, blank to use the default product certificate, or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module".
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lineage string, Name of the signing certificate lineage file or filegroup module.
 logging_parent string, the logging parent of this app.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries (in Make or Soong). This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 package_name string, the package name of this app. The package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 rename_resources_package bool, Whether to rename the package in resources to the override name rather than the base name. Defaults to true.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 rotationMinSdkVersion string, For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


override_android_test is used to create an android_app module based on another android_test by overriding some of its properties.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 arch interface
 base string, Name of the base module to be overridden
 certificate string, The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory, blank to use the default product certificate, or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module".
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 instrumentation_for string, The name of the android_app module that the tests will run against.
 instrumentation_target_package string, If specified, the instrumentation target package name in the manifest is overwritten by it.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lineage string, Name of the signing certificate lineage file or filegroup module.
 logging_parent string, the logging parent of this app.
 mainline_package_name string, If specified, the mainline module package name in the test config is overwritten by it.
manifest_values Manifest_values
 applicationId string, Overrides the value of package_name in the manifest
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries (in Make or Soong). This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 package_name string, the package name of this app. The package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 rename_resources_package bool, Whether to rename the package in resources to the override name rather than the base name. Defaults to true.
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 rotationMinSdkVersion string, For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


override_runtime_resource_overlay is used to create a module based on another runtime_resource_overlay module by overriding some of its properties.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 arch interface
 base string, Name of the base module to be overridden
 category string, the rro category of this overlay. The category in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 package_name string, the package name of this app. The package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_package_name string, the target package name of this overlay app. The target package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 fragments list of ApexVariantReference, The names of the bootclasspath_fragment modules that form part of this module.
 generate_classpaths_proto bool, Whether to generated classpaths.proto config instance for the fragment. If the config is not generated, then relevant boot jars are added to platform classpath, i.e. platform_bootclasspath or platform_systemserverclasspath. This is useful for non-updatable APEX boot jars, to keep them as part of dexopt on device. Defaults to true.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 src string
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 generate_classpaths_proto bool, Whether to generated classpaths.proto config instance for the fragment. If the config is not generated, then relevant boot jars are added to platform classpath, i.e. platform_bootclasspath or platform_systemserverclasspath. This is useful for non-updatable APEX boot jars, to keep them as part of dexopt on device. Defaults to true.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


prebuilt_apis is a meta-module that generates modules for all API txt files found under the directory where the Android.bp is located. Specifically, an API file located at ./<ver>/<scope>/api/<module>.txt generates a module named <module>-api.<scope>.<ver>. It also creates <module>-api.<scope>.latest for the latest <ver>. Similarly, it generates a java_import for all API .jar files found under the directory where the Android.bp is located. Specifically, an API file located at ./<ver>/<scope>/api/<module>.jar generates a java_import module named <prebuilt-api-module>_<scope>_<ver>_<module>, and for SDK versions >= 30 a java_system_modules module named <prebuilt-api-module>_public_<ver>_system_modules
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 allow_incremental_platform_api bool, If set to true, allow incremental platform API of the form MM.m where MM is the major release version corresponding to the API level/SDK_INT and m is an incremental release version (e.g. API changes associated with QPR). Defaults to false.
 api_dirs list of string, list of api version directories
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 extensions_dir string, Directory containing finalized api txt files for extension versions. Extension versions higher than the base sdk extension version will be assumed to be finalized later than all Api_dirs.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 imports_compile_dex bool, If set to true, compile dex for java_import modules. Defaults to false.
 imports_sdk_version string, The sdk_version of java_import modules generated based on jar files. Defaults to "current"
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 next_api_dir string, The next API directory can optionally point to a directory where files incompatibility-tracking files are stored for the current "in progress" API. Each module present in one of the api_dirs will have a <module>-incompatibilities.api.<scope>.latest module created.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 additional_stubs list of string, The list of additional stub libraries which this fragment's contents use but which are not provided by another bootclasspath_fragment. Note, "android-non-updatable" is treated specially. While no such module exists it is treated as if it was a java_sdk_library. So, when public API stubs are needed then it will be replaced with "android-non-updatable.stubs", with "androidn-non-updatable.system.stubs" when the system stubs are needed and so on.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Api properties provide information about the APIs provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. Properties in this section apply to public, system and test api scopes. They DO NOT apply to core_platform as that is a special, ART specific scope, that does not follow the pattern and so has its own section. It is in the process of being deprecated and replaced by the system scope but this will remain for the foreseeable future to maintain backwards compatibility. Every bootclasspath_fragment must specify at least one stubs_lib in this section and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to other parts of Android, including but not limited to applications.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 contents list of string, The contents of this bootclasspath_fragment, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. A java_sdk_library specified here will also be treated as if it was specified on the stub_libs property. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the bootclasspath.
core_platform_api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Properties related to the core platform API surface. This must only be used by the following modules: * ART * Conscrypt * I18N The bootclasspath_fragments for each of the above modules must specify at least one stubs_lib and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to the other modules in the list.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
coverage BootclasspathFragmentCoverageAffectedProperties
 contents list of string, The contents of this bootclasspath_fragment, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. A java_sdk_library specified here will also be treated as if it was specified on the stub_libs property. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the bootclasspath.
api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Api properties provide information about the APIs provided by the bootclasspath_fragment. Properties in this section apply to public, system and test api scopes. They DO NOT apply to core_platform as that is a special, ART specific scope, that does not follow the pattern and so has its own section. It is in the process of being deprecated and replaced by the system scope but this will remain for the foreseeable future to maintain backwards compatibility. Every bootclasspath_fragment must specify at least one stubs_lib in this section and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to other parts of Android, including but not limited to applications.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
core_platform_api BootclasspathNestedAPIProperties
Properties related to the core platform API surface. This must only be used by the following modules: * ART * Conscrypt * I18N The bootclasspath_fragments for each of the above modules must specify at least one stubs_lib and must specify stubs for all the APIs provided by its contents. Failure to do so will lead to those methods being inaccessible to the other modules in the list.
 stub_libs list of string, java_library or preferably, java_sdk_library modules providing stub classes that define the APIs provided by this bootclasspath_fragment.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 fragments list of ApexVariantReference, The names of the bootclasspath_fragment modules that form part of this module.
 annotation_flags string, The path to the annotation-flags.csv file created by the bootclasspath_fragment.
 metadata string, The path to the metadata.csv file created by the bootclasspath_fragment.
 index string, The path to the index.csv file created by the bootclasspath_fragment.
 signature_patterns string, The path to the signature-patterns.csv file created by the bootclasspath_fragment.
 stub_flags string, The path to the stub-flags.csv file created by the bootclasspath_fragment.
 all_flags string, The path to the all-flags.csv file created by the bootclasspath_fragment.
 filtered_stub_flags string, The path to the filtered-stub-flags.csv file created by the bootclasspath_fragment.
 filtered_flags string, The path to the filtered-flags.csv file created by the bootclasspath_fragment.
 unsupported list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 removed list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 max_target_r_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R and low priority.
 max_target_q list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
 max_target_p list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
 max_target_o_low_priority list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
 blocked list of string, Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
 unsupported_packages list of string, Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 image_name string, The name of the image this represents. If specified then it must be one of "art" or "boot".
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


A prebuilt version of platform_compat_config that provides the metadata.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 metadata string
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


prebuilt_stubs_sources imports a set of java source files as if they were generated by droidstubs. By default, a prebuilt_stubs_sources has a single variant that expects a set of `.java` files generated by droidstubs. Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one for use as a dependency of device modules and one for host modules. Intended only for use by sdk snapshots.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 source_module_name string, Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 contents list of string, List of system_server classpath jars, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 prefer bool, When prefer is set to true the prebuilt will be used instead of any source module with a matching name.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 standalone_contents list of string, List of jars that system_server loads dynamically using separate classloaders. The order does not matter.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_source_config_var ConfigVarProperties, When specified this names a Soong config variable that controls the prefer property. If the value of the named Soong config variable is true then prefer is set to false and vice versa. If the Soong config variable is not set then it defaults to false, so prefer defaults to true. If specified then the prefer property is ignored in favor of the value of the Soong config variable. DEPRECATED: This property is being deprecated b/308188211. Use RELEASE_APEX_CONTRIBUTIONS build flags to select prebuilts of mainline modules.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


runtime_resource_overlay generates a resource-only apk file that can overlay application and system resources at run time.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 defaults list of string
 aapt_include_all_resources bool, include all resource configurations, not just the product-configured ones.
 aaptflags list of string, flags passed to aapt when creating the apk
 additional_manifests list of string, paths to additional manifest files to merge with main manifest.
 arch interface
 asset_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing assets. Defaults to ["assets"] if a directory called assets exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 assets list of string, list of files to use as assets.
 category string, the rro category of this overlay. The category in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 certificate string, the name of a certificate in the default certificate directory or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module".
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 dont_merge_manifests bool, do not include AndroidManifest from dependent libraries
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 flags_packages list of string, Names of aconfig_declarations modules that specify aconfig flags that the module depends on.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 lineage string, Name of the signing certificate lineage file.
 manifest string, path to AndroidManifest.xml. If unset, defaults to "AndroidManifest.xml".
 min_sdk_version string, if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against. Defaults to sdk_version if not set.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 overrides list of string, Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other overlays (in Make or Soong). This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden overlays, but if both overlays would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other overlay will be removed from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 package_name string, the package name of this app. The package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 resource_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing Android resources. Defaults to ["res"] if a directory called res exists. Set to [] to disable the default.
 resource_libs list of string, list of android_app modules whose resources are extracted and linked against
 resource_zips list of string, list of zip files containing Android resources.
 rotationMinSdkVersion string, For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
 sdk_version string, If not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. This can be either an API version (e.g. "29" for API level 29 AKA Android 10) or special subsets of the current platform, for example "none", "current", "core", "system", "test". See build/soong/java/sdk.go for the full and up-to-date list of possible values. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_libs list of string, list of android_library modules whose resources are extracted and linked against statically
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_package_name string, the target package name of this overlay app. The target package name in the manifest file is used if one was not given.
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 theme string, optional theme name. If specified, the overlay package will be applied only when the ro.boot.vendor.overlay.theme system property is set to the same value.
 use_resource_processor bool, If use_resource_processor is set, use Bazel's resource processor instead of aapt2 to generate R.class files. The resource processor produces more optimal R.class files that only list resources in the package of the library that provided them, as opposed to aapt2 which produces files for every package containing every resource. Using the resource processor can provide significant build time speedups, but requires fixing the module to use the correct package to reference each resource, and to avoid having any other libraries in the tree that use the same package name. Defaults to false, but will default to true in the future.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
 defaults list of string
 host_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the host. Defaults to false.
 device_supported bool, If set to true, build a variant of the module for the device. Defaults to true.
 aconfig_declarations list of string, a list of aconfig_declarations module names that the stubs generated in this module depend on.
 include_dirs list of string, Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
 local_include_dirs list of string, Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
 annotations_enabled bool, is set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain annotations.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 api_filename string, The generated public API filename by Metalava, defaults to <module>_api.txt
 api_levels_annotations_dirs list of string, the dirs which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from.
 api_levels_annotations_enabled bool, if set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain API levels annotations.
 api_levels_jar_filename string, the filename which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from. Defaults to android.jar.
 api_levels_module string, Apply the api levels database created by this module rather than generating one in this droidstubs.
 api_levels_sdk_type string, the sdk kind which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from. Supports 'public', 'system', 'module-lib' and 'system-server'; defaults to public.
 api_surface string, API surface of this module. If set, the module contributes to an API surface. For the full list of available API surfaces, refer to soong/android/sdk_version.go
 arch interface
 arg_files list of string, local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
 args string, user customized droiddoc args. Deprecated, use flags instead. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 enabled bool
 new_since string, If set, performs api_lint on any new APIs not found in the given signature file
 baseline_file string, If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API lint violations.
check_api.current ApiToCheck
 api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new API extracted from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 removed_api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new @removed API extractd from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 baseline_file string, If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API check violations.
 args string, Arguments to the apicheck tool.
check_api.last_released ApiToCheck
 api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new API extracted from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 removed_api_file string, path to the API txt file that the new @removed API extractd from source code is checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
 baseline_file string, If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API check violations.
 args string, Arguments to the apicheck tool.
 check_nullability_warnings string, a file containing expected warnings produced by validation of nullability annotations.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 create_doc_stubs bool, if set to true, allow Metalava to generate doc_stubs source files. Defaults to false.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 defaults_visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of the defaults module itself.
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 extensions_info_file string, path or filegroup to file defining extension an SDK name <-> numerical ID mapping and what APIs exist in which SDKs; passed to metalava via --sdk-extensions-info
 filter_packages list of string, list of package names that should actually be used. If this property is left unspecified, all the sources from the srcs property is used.
 flags list of string, user customized droiddoc args. Not compatible with property args. Available variables for substitution:

 $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
 $$: a literal $

 generate_stubs bool, if set to false then do not write out stubs. Defaults to true. TODO(b/146727827): Remove capability when we do not need to generate stubs and API separately.
 high_mem bool, if set to true, provides a hint to the build system that this rule uses a lot of memory, which can be used for scheduling purposes
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to false, don't allow this module( to be exported. Defaults to true.
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javadoc as -source
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath.
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 merge_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing files to merge qualifier annotations (i.e. those intended to be included in the stubs written) from.
 merge_inclusion_annotations_dirs list of string, a list of top-level directories containing Java stub files to merge show/hide annotations from.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 out list of string, names of the output files used in args that will be generated
 output_javadoc_comments bool, if set to true, cause Metalava to output Javadoc comments in the stubs source files. Defaults to false. Has no effect if create_doc_stubs: true.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 previous_api string, user can specify the version of previous released API file in order to do compatibility check.
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 removed_api_filename string, the generated removed API filename by Metalava, defaults to <module>_removed.txt
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 sdk_version string, if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 system_modules string, When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system, otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath. Defaults to "none"
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 validate_nullability_from_list string, a file containing a list of classes to do nullability validation for.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.
 write_sdk_values bool, if set to true, collect the values used by the Dev tools and write them in files packaged with the SDK. Defaults to false.


 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 contents list of string, List of system_server classpath jars, could be either java_library, or java_sdk_library. The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH.
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 generate_classpaths_proto bool, Whether to generated classpaths.proto config instance for the fragment. If the config is not generated, then relevant boot jars are added to platform classpath, i.e. platform_bootclasspath or platform_systemserverclasspath. This is useful for non-updatable APEX boot jars, to keep them as part of dexopt on device. Defaults to true.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 standalone_contents list of string, List of jars that system_server loads dynamically using separate classloaders. The order does not matter.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.


tradefed_java_library_factory wraps java_library and installs an additional copy of the output jar to $HOST_OUT/tradefed.
 name string, The name of the module. Must be unique across all modules.
 srcs list of string, list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .kt, .logtags, .proto, or .aidl files.
 exclude_srcs list of string, list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module. This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
 defaults list of string
 aconfig_Cache_files list of *ast.SelectorExpr, intermediate aconfig cache file tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 apex_available list of string, Availability of this module in APEXes. Only the listed APEXes can contain this module. If the module has stubs then other APEXes and the platform may access it through them (subject to visibility). "//apex_available:anyapex" is a pseudo APEX name that matches to any APEX. "//apex_available:platform" refers to non-APEX partitions like "system.img". "*" matches any APEX module name with the prefix "". Default is ["//apex_available:platform"].
 arch interface
 common_srcs list of string, list Kotlin of source files containing Kotlin code that should be treated as common code in a codebase that supports Kotlin multiplatform. See May be only be .kt files.
 compile_data list of string, A list of files or dependencies to make available to the build sandbox. This is useful if source files are symlinks, the targets of the symlinks must be listed here. Note that currently not all actions implemented by android_apps are sandboxed, so you may only see this being necessary in lint builds.
 compile_multilib string, control whether this module compiles for 32-bit, 64-bit, or both. Possible values are "32" (compile for 32-bit only), "64" (compile for 64-bit only), "both" (compile for both architectures), or "first" (compile for 64-bit on a 64-bit platform, and 32-bit on a 32-bit platform).
 debug_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to debug ramdisk
 device_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals. When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist). This implies `soc_specific:true`.
dist Dist
configuration to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 targets list of string, Copy the output of this module to the $DIST_DIR when `dist` is specified on the command line and any of these targets are also on the command line, or otherwise built
 dest string, The name of the output artifact. This defaults to the basename of the output of the module.
 dir string, The directory within the dist directory to store the artifact. Defaults to the top level directory ("").
 suffix string, A suffix to add to the artifact file name (before any extension).
 append_artifact_with_product bool, If true, then the artifact file will be appended with _<product name>. For example, if the product is coral and the module is an android_app module of name foo, then the artifact would be foo_coral.apk. If false, there is no change to the artifact file name.
 tag string, A string tag to select the OutputFiles associated with the tag. If no tag is specified then it will select the default dist paths provided by the module type. If a tag of "" is specified then it will return the default output files provided by the modules, i.e. the result of calling OutputFiles("").
 dists list of Dist, a list of configurations to distribute output files from this module to the distribution directory (default: $OUT/dist, configurable with $DIST_DIR)
 enabled bool, emit build rules for this module Disabling a module should only be done for those modules that cannot be built in the current environment. Modules that can build in the current environment but are not usually required (e.g. superceded by a prebuilt) should not be disabled as that will prevent them from being built by the checkbuild target and so prevent early detection of changes that have broken those modules.
 enforce_uses_libs bool, If true, the list of uses_libs and optional_uses_libs modules must match the AndroidManifest.xml file. Defaults to true if either uses_libs or optional_uses_libs is set. Will unconditionally default to true in the future.
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
 extra_check_modules list of string, List of java_plugin modules that provide extra errorprone checks.
 enabled bool, This property can be in 3 states. When set to true, errorprone will be run during the regular build. When set to false, errorprone will never be run. When unset, errorprone will be run when the RUN_ERROR_PRONE environment variable is true. Setting this to false will improve build performance more than adding -XepDisableAllChecks in javacflags.
 exclude_java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
 exclude_java_resources list of string, list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
 exclude_static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that should not be used to build this module
 exclude_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library names to exclude from the classpath of the APK. Adding a library here will prevent it from being used when precompiling the APK and prevent it from being implicitly added to the APK's manifest's <uses-library> elements. Care must be taken when using this as it could result in runtime errors if the APK actually uses classes provided by the library and which are not provided in any other way. This is primarily intended for use by various CTS tests that check the runtime handling of the android.test.base shared library (and related libraries) but which depend on some common libraries that depend on the android.test.base library. Without this those tests will end up with a <uses-library android:name="android.test.base"/> in their manifest which would either render the tests worthless (as they would be testing the wrong behavior), or would break the test altogether by providing access to classes that the tests were not expecting. Those tests provide the android.test.base statically and use jarjar to rename them so they do not collide with the classes provided by the android.test.base library.
 exported_plugins list of string, List of modules to export to libraries that directly depend on this library as annotation processors. Note that if the plugins set generates_api: true this will disable the turbine optimization on modules that depend on this module, which will reduce parallelism and cause more recompilation.
 generated_srcjars list of *ast.SelectorExpr, Additional srcJars tacked in by GeneratedJavaLibraryModule
 headers_only bool, If true, then only the headers are built and not the implementation jar.
 hiddenapi_additional_annotations list of string, A list of java_library instances that provide additional hiddenapi annotations for the library.
 host_required list of string, names of other modules to install on host if this module is installed
 include_srcs bool, If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
 init_rc list of string, init.rc files to be installed if this module is installed
 installable bool, If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no effect on host modules, which are always considered installable. Default: true
 is_stubs_module bool, Property signifying whether the module compiles stubs or not. Should be set to true when srcs of this module are stub files. This property does not need to be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via libs, but should be set to true when the module depends on the stubs via static libs.
 include_filter list of string, List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all classes. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 exclude_filter list of string, List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected by the include_filter property. Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match. If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
 jarjar_prefix string, if not blank, used as prefix to generate repackage rule
 jarjar_rules string, if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
 java_resource_dirs list of string, list of directories containing Java resources
 java_resources list of string, list of files to use as Java resources
 java_version string, If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
 javac_shard_size int64, The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
 javacflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
 kotlincflags list of string, list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
 libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be in the classpath
 licenses list of string, Describes the licenses applicable to this module. Must reference license modules.
 manifest string, manifest file to be included in resulting jar
 multilib interface
 native_bridge_supported bool, Whether this module is built for non-native architectures (also known as native bridge binary)
 srcs list of string, List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 javacflags list of string, List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
 optional_uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file with required=false.
 owner string, vendor who owns this module
 patch_module string, When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move elsewhere.
 permitted_packages list of string, If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages. This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
 plugins list of string, List of modules to use as annotation processors
 product_specific bool, whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc). When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).
 proprietary bool, whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
 type string, Proto generator type. C++: full or lite. Java: micro, nano, stream, or lite.
 plugin string, Proto plugin to use as the generator. Must be a cc_binary_host module.
 include_dirs list of string, list of directories that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 local_include_dirs list of string, list of directories relative to the bp file that will be added to the protoc include paths.
 canonical_path_from_root bool, whether to identify the proto files from the root of the source tree (the original method in Android, useful for android-specific protos), or relative from where they were specified (useful for external/third party protos). This defaults to true today, but is expected to default to false in the future.
 output_params list of string, List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
 provides_uses_lib string, Optional name of the <uses-library> provided by this module. This is needed for non-SDK libraries, because SDK ones are automatically picked up by Soong. The <uses-library> name normally is the same as the module name, but there are exceptions.
 ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to ramdisk
 recovery bool, Whether this module is installed to recovery partition
 required list of string, names of other modules to install if this module is installed
 services list of string, List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
 soc_specific bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
 static_kotlin_stdlib bool, If true, package the kotlin stdlib into the jar. Defaults to true.
 static_libs list of string, list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
 stem string, set the name of the output. If not set, `name` is used. To override a module with this property set, overriding module might need to set this as well. Otherwise, both the overridden and the overriding modules will have the same output name, which can cause the duplicate output error.
 system_ext_specific bool, whether this module extends system. When set to true, it is installed into /system_ext (or /system/system_ext if system_ext partition does not exist).
 target interface
 compile_multilib string
 compile_multilib string
 target_required list of string, names of other modules to install on target if this module is installed
 team string, The team (defined by the owner/vendor) who owns the property.
 use_tools_jar bool, Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
 uses_libs list of string, A list of shared library modules that will be listed in uses-library tags in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
 vendor bool, whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip). When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist). Use `soc_specific` instead for better meaning.
 vendor_ramdisk bool, Whether this module is installed to vendor ramdisk
 vintf_fragments list of string, VINTF manifest fragments to be installed if this module is installed
 visibility list of string, Controls the visibility of this module to other modules. Allowable values are one or more of these formats:

 ["//visibility:public"]: Anyone can use this module.
 ["//visibility:private"]: Only rules in the module's package (not its subpackages) can use
     this module.
 ["//visibility:override"]: Discards any rules inherited from defaults or a creating module.
     Can only be used at the beginning of a list of visibility rules.
 ["//some/package:__pkg__", "//other/package:__pkg__"]: Only modules in some/package and
     other/package (defined in some/package/*.bp and other/package/*.bp) have access to
     this module. Note that sub-packages do not have access to the rule; for example,
     //some/package/foo:bar or //other/package/testing:bla wouldn't have access. __pkg__
     is a special module and must be used verbatim. It represents all of the modules in the
 ["//project:__subpackages__", "//other:__subpackages__"]: Only modules in packages project
     or other or in one of their sub-packages have access to this module. For example,
     //project:rule, //project/library:lib or //other/testing/internal:munge are allowed
     to depend on this rule (but not //independent:evil)
 ["//project"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__pkg__"]
 [":__subpackages__"]: This is shorthand for ["//project:__subpackages__"] where
     //project is the module's package. e.g. using [":__subpackages__"] in
     packages/apps/Settings/Android.bp is equivalent to
 ["//visibility:legacy_public"]: The default visibility, behaves as //visibility:public
     for now. It is an error if it is used in a module.

If a module does not specify the `visibility` property then it uses the `default_visibility` property of the `package` module in the module's package. If the `default_visibility` property is not set for the module's package then it will use the `default_visibility` of its closest ancestor package for which a `default_visibility` property is specified. If no `default_visibility` property can be found then the module uses the global default of `//visibility:legacy_public`. The `visibility` property has no effect on a defaults module although it does apply to any non-defaults module that uses it. To set the visibility of a defaults module, use the `defaults_visibility` property on the defaults module; not to be confused with the `default_visibility` property on the package module. See for more details.